Wing Commander: Solar Ops.


Rear Admiral
It's something I'm working on, but I bet it will never launch it for anybody else to use. It takes place after Secret Ops, whenever Cerberus returns home. Sol is empty, no ships, stations, planets, just stars. In front of Cerberus is a device which looks similar to the Wormhole (in construction, found in Proxima). It turns out, the Nephilim invaded Sol and destoryed everything. HQ sent a distress call out, but whoever came to help was also killed. Some ships, such as a Convoy, a seperate Pelican, and surprisingly, the Midway, did not (for one reason or another) notice the distress call. Now, your angry, your fellow pliots are angry, and the Aliens are a little more than mad to see you. Near the end, Cerberus and Midway intercept. Midway's marines land on the Wormhole. They find a recorder of ships that entered Sol. One of them was a Tiamat. Midway desided to search the nearby systems for survivors. You are left to destory the Tiamat, and hopefully gain the upper hand.

What do you think? I bet it won't be big like, Standoff, or Flight Commander, or whatever. It probably won't even be going public, but I think it's a nice idea. Strangly, alot of my ideas involve Confed taking a full scale invasion in their own system.
It's a fine idea, but everyone has fine ideas. Turning them into something is the hard part. What is this project supposed to be? A lot of people create backstories for game mods when they really should just be writing fan fiction. A couple of references in Star Soldier seem to refer to Earth in the present tense as well, but you can do whatever you want in your own self-contained story.