Wing Commander Prophecy


Rear Admiral
Ok, sorry if this has been said or already talked about. I am having a very difficult time completing WCP. I am not sure why, is the AI more advanced, or over the years have i forgotten how to fly? it cant be, but everytime I play the game I find myself running our of amo and having to high tail it out of there. The enemy ships have more shields and can take a great deal of damage, and this in the first few missions!
Can anyone provide some good pointers or way to complete missions? thanks
It's been awhile since I've played Prophecy, but assuming you're still stuck at the beginning, I'm guessing you're still stuck in that petite Pirahna fighter? I always hated flying that thing, as the main guns were horrible at taking down enemy fighters.

There is a Stormfire cannon you can switch to, though, which can carve apart some badguys, but as soon as you run out of those rounds and whatever missiles you have, you may be in for the fight of your life with the regular guns (lasers and ion guns). If you get to that point, make sure you don't fire continuously - the laser doesn't have a whole lot of kick to it, so you'll need those ion guns from the sides to charge to deal out most of the damage at that point.

If you want to get creative, maybe the best tactic in the Pirahna is to use the ion guns and laser to take down enemy shields, then finish them off with missiles or the Stormfire at that point.

Hope that helps. If you're flying something else or need some other help, just holler. But yeah...Pirahnas....*cringe* :)

Good luck!

- Falc ~};^
There's no shame in turning down the difficulty or, if you really run into trouble, turning on invulnerability. Those options are there for a reason.

I'm curious, are you using a keyboard, mouse or joystick?
At the time, a Joystick. Now that my PC is XP i hope to be able to use the joystick again.
thanks for the tips, i will use them