Wing Commander Prophecy 2

Yay, it does look right. But I should probably mention that we just had a visitation of the buggy kind over at the FanFic forum. The new post just wasn't showing up. The error seems to have fixed itself when I edited my own post (I couldn't reply, because it kept coming up with an error message)... any idea what that was about?
I was probably still messing with a few things. I may have been updating all threads to reflect the changes, and that's very likely what kept the new post from showing up. But I'm done now. Let me know if it happens again.
Quarto said:
Yeah... but WHERE do you see them?

What do you mean? I see them in the new option "show member's IP number and hack his system", don't you
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...Oh, wait... there it is.

<Hero cries out in dismay as his computer crashes>
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As if you really need to hack my computer, the damm thing crushes on a dayly basis
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It probably happens because we all come to this site. Just ask anybody who visits here, and I guarantee you that his PC crashes every once in a while, or maybe it`s because he uses a Microsoft operating system... hmmm... I may have stumbled across something here...
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What, you think it's because we've all got Windows? Nah, can't be...
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Nope... It's not Windows specifically. It's just a bug ingrained in Windows 9x. NT doesn't crash NEARLY as often as 95 or 98...

Maestro: "Lighten up Spyder! We're not gonna die! We're gonna WIN!!"

Zero: "Hey, Maestro... Uhh... If you DIE, can we pick through your stuff before we head back to Sol?"

Maestro: "You can burn in Hell."
Anyway, NT crashes too, but in a more elegant way.
Actually, sometimes it crashes even worse than 95/98: random memory dumps are one example I`ve encountered that I can think of.