Wing Commander on French TV (May 12, 2011)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
The Wing Commander Movie will be airing on Le Nouvel Observateur in France over the next few days. Specifically, it will be carried on the Canal+ Family channel. There are five fantastic showtimes scheduled for the remainder of the month: May 17 @ 20:50, May 18 @ 13:15, May 22 @ 10:00, May 23 @ 13:15 and May 26 @ 22:30. The film has seen increased play time in France since the French version was released on DVD last year.

Here's the fancy French summary again:

Le sujet
En 2654, un vaillant pilote intègre une force d'intervention spatiale qui s'oppose à une monstrueuse invasion perpétrée par des extraterrestres belliqueux.

Au XXVIIe siècle, la Terre entre en guerre contre le puissant empire Kilrathi, qui ambitionne de l'annexer et de la soumettre, comme le reste de l'univers. A l'issue d'une attaque-surprise, les créatures de Kilrathi, au physique proche de celui des humains, prennent le contrôle du système central de navigation. Les envahisseurs disposent désormais de voies d'accès directes à la planète bleue. Plus rien ni personne ne semble pouvoir freiner leur progression. Personne, sauf peut-être le lieutenant Christopher Blair et ses deux compagnons, le pilote Maniac et l'aventurier Paladin. Sous les ordres de leur «Wing Commander», la superbe Devereaux, il partent à l'assaut de l'empire Kilrathi...

Original update published on May 12, 2011
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By the way: The film will be aired on German TV Channel RTL2 on May 31 @ 20:15 :).

Cool, I may have seen that. Either way, every time any of you sees up and comming aire dates for the WC movie in your respective countries, let us know by emailing using the "report news" button on the front page.

I think there may be some upcomming TV showings in Russia soon, but as my Russian skills are dead/gone/they-never-existed I really couldn't decipher the page well enough to tell you for sure. As you can see, it's much easier if someone from the country can tell us exactly what's happening.
"The Wing Commander Movie will be AIRING on Le Nouvel Observateur"

"Le nouvel observateur" is only a magazine like "Time" etc . Canal+ Family is the channel, part of Canal+ group, owned by french company Vivendi (Activision-Blizzard, Universal, SFR...)
"The Wing Commander Movie will be AIRING on Le Nouvel Observateur"

"Le nouvel observateur" is only a magazine like "Time" etc . Canal+ Family is the channel, part of Canal+ group, owned by french company Vivendi (Activision-Blizzard, Universal, SFR...)

Thanks. Chris did mention that Canal+ family was the actual channel, though Chris isn't a French speaker. This just illustrates why it's great when people from those areas can give us the appropriate details.

In this case I do speak french but lets take a peak behind the scenes at the CIC: Unless someone reports news to us, it's up to us to find updates to report to you guys by scrounging the net, or using our sources or whatever other magic skills we have to summon updates. People like myself, LOAF, and Chris all put whatever we find or gets reported into a Queue in a roughed-in format. On any given day one of us (usually Chris) will look through the list and pick one or two for the current day and will add some witty text and a picture or two and hit the publish button.

In the case of this update, I put in the update skeleton but wasn't around when Chris put together the actual news for the day. The reason I didn't specifically link to Canal's website is that News websites like Nouvelle Observateur list TV listings farther in advance for whatever reason than Canal's site (which to be honest, Canal's site makes searching for listings rather cumbersome). Canal's site is ok for listings if it's something showing during the current week, which isn't really enough notice sometimes for us to get the word out. If I forget to put in a description there's not really a way or time for Chris to decipher my intentions.