Wing Commander IV Script Viewing Problems

Hi. I am new here, but I absolutely love the Wing Commander series. I began playing it when part 3 came out on the playstation. I got both 3 and 4 on playstation and Prophecy on the PC when it came out.

My question is that I downloaded the Wing Commander 4 script, and everytime I try to open it, it says that I do not have a style sheet by the name of game.sty. I have no clue as to where to get this style sheet. If anyone has a link, please let me know so that I can view the script.


Origin never released it (they weren't *supposed* to release the script... I remember Deathlok getting mad at the tech guy). Just say no to all the prompts and it'll load fine.
Originally posted by Wedge009
Is the same script from the CIC's Files section? I don't recall being asked for style sheets.

Yeah, same one. Originally comes from Origin's WCIV site, from back in the day.