Wing Commander Battle For Enigma In Progress (March 23, 2004)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
Kit Vulpes wanted to let everyone know about another forum based Wing Commander role playing game that's been conducting business for quite a while under the radar. They've managed to keep things together for a couple years already and are now looking for new members. There are some creative people involved who have created a new alien race and combined it with a unique Wing Commander setting.

The year is 2653. The Terran Confederation and its allies are at war
with the Kilrathi Empire. In the thick of the action is a cruiser named TCS Equinox. Assigned to this ship is a fighter/bomber squadron called "the Black Eagles." The Equinox is a "last chance" ship. That means the Equinox is the last stop for Confed military personnel before court martial or (since it's a time of war) execution. Consequently, the ship, crew and squadron are considered expendable. They usually get the suicide missions.

Our Wing Commander is totally nuts; the head trauma nurse is a real fox
(No...seriously...she looks like a fox); Winter and Shadow's tech crews
are constantly cleaning organic debris off of their figthers (again);
the XO has pointy ears (and she looks like a fox, too!); the plot is
somewhere between sci-fi space combat, bad horror movie, and
melodramatic daytime television; and the bar is always open (except when
we're on red alert, then it *gasp!* doesn't do deliveries).

If you seem incapable of producing roleplaying characters who are
well-balanced, productive members of society, this may be the RPG group
for you! We are the intrepid (or maybe just plain loony) pilots of the
TCS Equinox, a last-chance stop for screw-ups who for whatever reason
couldn't quite make it elsewhere. We meet on Sunday nights at 9pm EST
for chat-based roleplaying and fill in on the message boards in between.
You can join in at their site or email Kit Vulpes for more information.

Original update published on March 23, 2004
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