Wing Commander Academy: The Series


So does anyone on here recall the animated series?

What were/are your thoughts/opinions on it?
How did you first discover it?
Just curious as to what other WC fans thought.

Does anyone else want it released on DVD? Are there any petitions up?

PS. Has anyone else downloaded the torrent of that show that's linked from this site? I can't get it to work?
But I do have it on DVD.


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I'd much rather NOT have it on DVD release when the CIC has them right here and I still need money to buy old school WC games and books. One more thing to add to the collection that I can't afford....
Yeah, I noticed. I got it figured out and downloaded all of them just shortly after posting this thread. Been watching all night. I love this show.
I loved Academy - it was very, very cool to see how much care went into things like including the old ships, the FMV voice actors... and not making the story too outrageous.

Does anyone else want it released on DVD? Are there any petitions up?

I'd love to see it on DVD, but I don't think internet petitions... well, work. Universal did just (surprisingly) announce that Wing Commander Academy's predecessor, Exosquad, is getting a first season DVD release in April. If that sells well, expect Exosquad Season 2... and then maybe Academy (Academy was done by the same creative/production team). So - everybody buy Exosquad!
I watched the first few episodes and it was pretty entertaining. It kind of bothered me how the Kilrathi don't have eyes, though.
I loved it. The storylines were fairly mature, and they kept with the character personalities that had been developed in the games.

By far, the coolest bit was how they got the actors from the actual games to voice their characters.
What most amused me about the series was how every fighter was suddenly made from paper. One shot and BOOM, time to eject...
What most amused me about the series was how every fighter was suddenly made from paper. One shot and BOOM, time to eject...

Yeah that bothered me every now and then. What bothered me more than that was when the blaster-rifle fire would randomly do damage. Like it'd be enough to hurt someone's leg, and then next blow out an entire wall.
Or how Kilrathi ships would explode on impact, but main characters would have just enough damage to make it home in one piece.

The thing that i notice more than anything else was the shows constantly re-used music.

Yeah that bothered me every now and then. What bothered me more than that was when the blaster-rifle fire would randomly do damage. Like it'd be enough to hurt someone's leg, and then next blow out an entire wall.
Or how Kilrathi ships would explode on impact, but main characters would have just enough damage to make it home in one piece.

I think that's kind of the necessary dramatic license you'll find in everything from movies to books to tv shows, not anything specific to WCA.