Wing Commander 3 Save Game Files


Rear Admiral

I tried to back up and restore my save game files. I have failed my race.

I backed up the incremental .WSG files in the DATA folder and the WSG_NDX.WSG file in the root folder (also tried DATA). Restoring these files to a fresh install, the saves do not appear in the game. Is there a way to recover from this disaster? And if I need to backup again, what should I have done?

That's all you should have needed. Does your callsign match what was used originally? (this probably doesn't matter until Prophecy) Are you sure you're firing up the correct installation? (if you launch the game with WC3 -i, does the savegame/install folder point to the one where you placed the files?)
Callsign doesn't matter in WC3. I checked the save game path as suggested and verified in game too. All OK. Then I noticed the date of one file; I don't know how I did it but I managed to backup the WSG_NDX.WSG which is older than any of the save game files, therefore no reference to the saved game files. I'd have to edit the NDX file and put the WSG associations in there. Ah well. Thanks anyway!