Wing Commander 2 Level 4 Freeze :(


Hi People, i am new to this Forum. I have been following instructions from various websites to get WC1 and WC2 working on my Dell computor with Vista. I can get them Working but on WC2 it freezez on level 4 as i try and land. I have read Different Comments about LOADFIX??? I have no understanding of this. If anyone can help i would be most greatful.

Thank You :D

Okay, so what loadfix does is block up a little bit of the memory (below 640kb). Basically, back in the day, 640 kb was the memory games had to run in, and you would spend literally hours trying to maximise that. The problem was that cd-rom drivers, soundcard drivers, mouse drivers etc also wanted to run in that memory, so you'd experiment with the order you loaded them, try and load some "high" (into the memory above 640 kb) and so on.

Anyway, dosbox has no such problems, so it always has 640 kb free. Unfortunately, since thats something that never happened back in the old days, some games don't like it!

so loadfix just blocks up some (reduces the free memory) if you add -16 it blocks up 16 kb (by default it takes 64kb which is a little much)

experiment a bit and see which is best for you - if i recall correctly, i used to get the crash when it got to the video talking to the concordia but basically, find a reproducible crash point, and play until it goes away.

Remember though that if you run loadfix on its own, it just takes the memory and you can't get it back til you restart dosbox - so instead, load wc2 with
loadfix -16 wc2
(pretty sure thats right!) that way when wc2 crashes, loadfix releases the memory (otherwise you run it a few times and then wc2 says "insufficient memory")

hope this all helps!