Is there a reason to play this games under win? I post the Autoexec.bat and the config.sys here. Hope anyone can help me with my problem.
set mouse=c:\mouse
rem ------------ mtm Atapi CD-ROM--------
C:\Windows\Command\MSCDEX.exe /D:MTMIDEo1 /M:10
rem ------------ MTM Atapi CD-ROM--------
C:\Progra~1\Networ~1?Mcafee~1\Bootscan.exe c:\
@IF errorlevel 1 Pause
@Echo Off
Mode Con codepage prepare=((850) c:\Windows\Command\ega.cpi
Mode con codepage select=850
Keyb gr,,c:\Windows\Command\keyboard.sys
REM Enviroment settings for McAfee virusscan
Set Path=%PATH%;C:\Progra~1\Networ~1Mcafee~1
device=C:\Windows\Command\Display.sys con=(ega,,1)
rem ----------- MTM ATAPI CD-ROM ----------
Device=C:\MTM\MTMCDAI.sys /D:\MTMIDE01
rem ----------- MTM ATAPI CD-ROM ----------
Thats all. I had WC1 and 2 on disk. and when i try to play WC1 from Win with moslo, stand there he can´t open Install.dat. Can anybody explain me why? And by WC2 he wrote can´t open Origin FX drivers.
Thanks for help.
Be a Kilrathi Killer