What must i exactly do that my WC1 and 2 will worked?

I thought you were still looking for WC1 and WC2. Anyway, post your autoexec.bat, and config.sys if you don't have enough DOS memory.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
My neighbour had the games. He dosn´t tell me this. What must i do with my Autoexec and Config?? I must also configure my DOS or?
Post the contest of the two files here, and some people here should be able to modify them so you can play the games. Did you try instaling the games already? What message do you get when you try to play it?

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
It comes the message not enough memory. Where i post the Autoexec.bat and config.sys. Which e-mail?

Be a Kilrathi Killer :-)
Being able to "tweak the conventional memory is out of the question so tweak the system files so enough room in available.
The problem is it's easier said than done. I still can't run armada.
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So why don't you ask here for help?

Maestro- post the text from those files here, on the BB. Do you know where to find those files?

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited January 26, 2000).]
OK, We're going to get the files, and also create a shortcut to DOS at the same time, since you may need it. Click with your right mouse button somwhere on the desktop, a little menu will show up. Go to NEW, and another menu will show up, chose SHORTCUT, it should be at the top. A small window should appear. In the box under Command line type COMMAND.COM, and click Next, than click Finish. Right click on the shortcut we just made, and chose Properties. Than go to the "Program" tab. Click on Advanced. There will be a little circle next to "Specify a new MS-DOS configuration", click on it. The two boxes are now visible below it, one of them says Config.sys, and another one says Autoexce.bat, right click in one of the boxes, and chose select all, than right click on the selected text and chose Copy. Than come here, chose to reply to this post, and paste that text here. Than do the same thing with the second box and post it. God, I hope you can understand this.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited January 26, 2000).]
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Is there a reason to play this games under win? I post the Autoexec.bat and the config.sys here. Hope anyone can help me with my problem.


set mouse=c:\mouse
rem ------------ mtm Atapi CD-ROM--------
C:\Windows\Command\MSCDEX.exe /D:MTMIDEo1 /M:10
rem ------------ MTM Atapi CD-ROM--------
C:\Progra~1\Networ~1?Mcafee~1\Bootscan.exe c:\
@IF errorlevel 1 Pause
@Echo Off

Mode Con codepage prepare=((850) c:\Windows\Command\ega.cpi
Mode con codepage select=850
Keyb gr,,c:\Windows\Command\keyboard.sys
REM Enviroment settings for McAfee virusscan
Set Path=%PATH%;C:\Progra~1\Networ~1Mcafee~1


device=C:\Windows\Command\Display.sys con=(ega,,1)

rem ----------- MTM ATAPI CD-ROM ----------
Device=C:\MTM\MTMCDAI.sys /D:\MTMIDE01
rem ----------- MTM ATAPI CD-ROM ----------

Thats all. I had WC1 and 2 on disk. and when i try to play WC1 from Win with moslo, stand there he can´t open Install.dat. Can anybody explain me why? And by WC2 he wrote can´t open Origin FX drivers.

Thanks for help.

Be a Kilrathi Killer :-)
The games can't be played under windows, and many times people have problems geting enough memory for the games to work in DOS. Anyhow, you'll have to wait for someone who knows this stuff (like Stinger). I know how to get it, but I don't know what changes to make.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
Thanks for your help. If you see Stinger can you tell him about my problem?


Be a Kilrathi Killer :-)
Sure, I'm surprised he didn't respond to this thread already. He must be offline today.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
Earthworm... It is quite possible to make WC1 & 2 work under Windows ... It's just incredibly difficult (I like a challange)

Maestro... This appears to be the autoexec.bat and config.sys files you find in your C:\ directory. We don't want to modify those ones. Can you please post the text in the shortcut (Earthworm gave the instructions on how to do that.) If that is the contents of those text boxes please tell me (if it is it is larger than many of the ones I have seen...)


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
Try this config files with a BOOT DISK or as parameter in a DOS shortcut. Do _NOT_ modify your your config files on C:.
If this still doesn't work remove the mouse driver as well. If this still does not work post again. (preferably to alt.games.wing-commander if you wanna reach me. I am not here that often)

set mouse=c:\mouse
LH c:\mouse\imouse.com
LH C:\Windows\Command\MSCDEX.exe /D:MTMIDEo1 /M:10 /e

device=c:\Windows\emm386.exe ram
buffers=30 /x
Devicehigh=C:\MTM\MTMCDAI.sys /D:\MTMIDE01
<i>TC... It is quite possible to make WC1 & 2 work under Windows ... It's just incredibly difficult (I like a challange)
What is difficult about it?!

[This message has been edited by cff (edited January 27, 2000).]
> Maestro: what must i do under win?

Depends much on your setting. If you do have Qemm97 (or newer?) it shouldn't be a problem at all.
Generally rem out everything except the SET lines in autoexec.bat.
In config.sys rem out everything besides himem, emm386, lastdrive, files, buffers and dos.
Things that should especially be removed are:
cd drivers
mouse drivers
county specs
keyboard drivers
TSR virus programs
Thanks for the help under win, i will try it now. Send a message ifs worked. And whens not worked i send too.

Be a Kilrathi Killer :-)