What is your favorite carrier you served on ?


Vice Admiral
My fave is the Victory. That's one of the carriers where you saw the most, and it looks more lik a carrier that could be used in the future.

The Rec Room was always my favourite room, espacialy when Vaquaro played his guitar.
Originally posted by iCe
My fave is the Victory. That's one of the carriers where you saw the most, and it looks more lik a carrier that could be used in the future.

The Rec Room was always my favourite room, espacialy when Vaquaro played his guitar.

Mine too, nice old ship... i love to much
the hangar, gunnery room, and all the action plus the destruction of kilrah
I dunno, I am stuck between tin can sally and the Intrepid. Never much liked the lex, claw, Bonnie Heather, midway, or cerberus. the Connie was a good ship too.
Yes, the old Victory is quite interactive.
If the Concordia was like that it would be my favorite, since its not, the Victory takes my vote.
I was never a big fan of any ships from the older games. I think the liked the claw more than the Concordia, but they are both low on my list. My favorite is defiantly the Victory. I liked everything about it. And it comes from my favorite game ever, WC3. It even had the best fighters on it, and one of the best crews. Nothing beats the Victory.
Well undoutedly it has to be the Intrepid for me, an improvised bridge, plenty of battle damage, sleeping in storage, it just brought the reality of the whole situation to me and although it wasn't the most original design in the world I liked the look of it.
shame we're destroying it :)
Ahhh I wouldn't worry about it, you'll see when UE is released. People already know its destroyed in UE who've been following the game, I'm not going to give any more than that away :)
Hmm... My favorite is Cerberus. Claw and the others just dont have something thet Cerb have. Guess it's the big gun or something like that.

Sorry about my english. It sucks bigtime...
The Victory was the only carrier where i felt at home. The Intrepid came close, but will never come close to the feeling of the victory.
I liked the Claw, myself. Call me old fashion, but I like everything from WC1, which is why I liked Prophecy so much.

It had the same feeling to it. Even the bar\barracks from the claw had the same layout as the Bar\Ready room of the Midway.

The Hornet and the Pirahna

The Scimitar and the Shrike

The Vampire and the Rapier

What a great couple of games those were.

Anyhow, I like the Claw best, then the Midway, then the Victory. The Victory didn't really have that much, but because we got to see most of the ship, and it was so interactive, it rocked.
If you go with most emotion attached then I have to go with the Connie, i was brought to tears when in the intro to WC3 I saw her in that la-k-e *begins to weep*. But when the ship was "alive" or active I still stand by the Intrepid and the Victory so I guess that my favorite carrier top 5 list is as follows: 1. Intrepid 2. Victory 3. Connie 4. Claw 5. I know she isn't a carrier but you do fly off of her the Bonnie Heather
Favorites carriers or Fast Strike Cruisers:

The Concordia in WC 2 and the Cerberus in Wing Commander Secret Ops. The only two WC games a have played.
havent played WC2 sooo


and the worst....

Cerberus,nice ship but wheres the crew??????
I'd have to vote for the Tiger's Claw: it's the only ship that I can fly this baby on:


But I like this one, too, just for the cool weapon up front...

My favourite ship was the Midway (even if it was a little bit too big for me). Then comes the Border Worlds Ship in WC4...(hell!! I forgot the name of it and have no possibility to look it up) and last (I just played Prophecy and WC4) the Intrepid.