WCIV dvd audio issues


I am running windows 98 with the 2 sided dvd edition of WC4. I used the dxmci patch and I see the video, but the audio sound horrible. Either it is very poppy, or it sounds like a bad echo. Please help.

PIV 2.4 Ghz
512 ram
9700 AIW pro
SB Live 5.1
Win 98, 2000 and XP (all on the same box)
yes, but the vobs would not play until I had windvd or powerdvd installed. both exibited the same issues

Did the sound issue appear while playing the videos in winDVD as well? What happens when you adjust your soundcards hardware acceleration settings?
If you are using AC3FILTER try to configure it (menu start=>programs=>ac3filter=> run ac3filter config) set output format to "2/0 stereo". That helps in most cases. I've got Wing4 (double sided DVD) perfectly running under win98 with only dxmci and ac3filters installed.