WC4 FMV, Sounds, and CD Access




There are several problems I would like to address with WC4 in WinXP. The Win95 patch has already been installed. The Win95 compatibility option makes no difference. I am using the "no_interlace" and "true_color" command-line options.

First problem is with the FMV. When I startup the game, the quality of the movies appears fine. But after I completed a mission and return back to the carrier and start to talk to people, the FMV appears more pixelated. To restore the movies to its original quality, quit the game and start it up again.

Second, the volume of sound effects and music during the game keeps shifting up and down. The volume changes whenever the game changes to a different screen or when an action is being initiated during flight. Examples: activating autopilot, victory song after you destroyed an enemy, loading a saved game from the terminal, etc. I constantly have to adjust the volume control on my speakers.

Third, the CD access is a bit slow. I know that part of the problem may be my CDRW drive, but it is annoying when the game pauses for about 5 seconds to load the voices during flight, when moving from one navpoint to the next, and to access the FMV after you made a conversation choice. I thought the files were copied to my hard drive, which I did.

I want to know if anyone experience these problems and permanent solutions to fixing them. Thanks.
There's still about 3 gigabytes of data that doesn't get copied to the hard drive during installation. All the problems actually could be caused by the CD drive I suppose. Have you tried different video modes? Try loading with the command lines -no_interlace or