Wc4 difficulty


I am having big issues with difficulty on WC4.
I download the high res movies and the dvd patch, game runs fine, the enemies kick arse even on low difficulty levels.

They quickly destroy me and my wingmen. Is it something based on CPU cycles?
Not likely, no. WC4 is really hard. I can play WC Prophecy on Impossible without many problems, but sometimes go as low as Veteran for WC4. Notice that missiles are your friend and your enemy. They are incredibly powerful in this game.
Something must be wrong, i get killed easily even on easiest difficulty.

This is the dvd upgrade from my original cd installation.
The one thing I remember about WC4: It's bastard hard. Lemme guess - you're on the first planetary run, right? I remember it took me a good dozen tries before I finally got past that one.

Been a long time since I've played WC4. Might be time to try it again...
Yeah, missiles are a pain in WC4... It makes no difference if you are playing the CD or the DVD version. On easy the game really isn't that hard since it doesn't take much to kill fighters with your guns, but you still have to be very very aware of missiles being fired *at you* since missiles are overpowered in WC4. Listen for the missile lock alarm that tells you you have a missile on your tail and then try and manoever back and forth to evade while dropping a decoy at the same time.

Also, if you picked a difficulty in the ingame options menu (alt-o during flight) and forgot to hit save, you will probably have to reset the difficulty on each mission.

Lastly, if you are indeed on the Tyr missions as Capi suggested, note that there is a missile turret on the ground at each city nav point. Take it out immediately or it will continually spam you with missiles until you do.
Thinking it might be stuck on nightmare mode, even though i selected easy, will try going in and changing difficulty level then saving it.

Will see what happens
You can't get it onto Nightmare by accident; you'd have to deliberately set it there and save that. You might well have thought you set it to Rookie where you actually left it on Ace though. WC4 difficulty is...a thing. I'm always amazed it never seems to get mentioned in reviews of the game, because seriously, the game is too hard. I can beat Secret Ops and WC3 both on Nightmare; WC4 I usually play on Ace. I'm not even sure what motivated Origin to ramp up the difficulty so far; I don't recall complaints that WC3 was too easy. Kind of reminds me of Terror From the Deep - the first game in that series, X-Com: UFO Defense, had a bug which caused the difficulty to revert to beginner when you reloaded a save. People who had only played the game on beginner (ie, everyone) thought it was too easy; so TFTD was made harder - so much harder, in fact, it's even more soul-crushing than WC4 and doesn't have the movie bit to keep you going.
WC4 actually encourages you to do some energy management. I usually took a little of the engines and everything else I don't need to fly and fight and push it to the shield generators, this is enough to handle a multiple hits without digging into your armor. And ofcourse, avoid missile locks, you have afterburners, so use them, put some distance between yourself and the enemy and re-engage.
Pfft, missiles. I'll just drop a decoy then hit the afterbur-oh wait, I'm already dead.

I think someone thought how useless missiles where in WC3 that they would beef them up a tad, obviously the word 'overkill' was not in their volcabulary. Can't team Maverick do something about this?
Missiles aren't useless in WC3. They have their problems, but that's got more to do with the Kilrathi than the missiles themselves - or, more specifically, the shape of their ships. Darkets and Paktahns are fine; you can reliably hit them with missiles and you can mostly control where the missiles are going to hit. Strakhas likewise, assuming that they're attacking somebody other than you and will therefore unaccountably forget to cloak when you flip an IR at them. Dralthi and Vaktoths, though, because of their wide, "winged" structure, are very difficult to hit reliably on either the tail or the wings, which makes it difficult to do any real damage with missiles in a consistent manner.

Which is kind of irritating inasmuch as Dralthi (on Crazy and especially Nightmare) and Vaktoth (on Ace) are probably the enemies you'd usually most want to use missiles on. Still, they're useful for intercepting bombers or swatting Darkets you're fed up with trying to draw a bead on.