WC3`s alternate endings

Mad Hatter

You probably wouldn`t expect this type of question from a person of my rank, but seeing as I`ve only played WC3 once, until I finally bought it recently, I was wondering if, when choosing the losing path, where you have to defend earth, there`s a mission where you have to destroy this huge dreadnought? Anyhoo, after you destroy it, Kilrathi ships just keep coming and coming, and you never see the end of it. Well, the question is: Do you? I mean, see the end of it. I got tired after 6 or 7 corvettes came through the jump gate one after the other, and just quit the game. That was, of course, after I finished the game taking the correct path.
So, does it ever end?
No, it never ends -- but if you eject you'll get one of the best video sequences of the WC series...
Also there are two different fates that you can chose to Blair in that ending right?

Well, its classified... i mean, i could tell you, but then i have to kill you...
Yes there are, you can either be defiant to the Prince or act defeated. How the Prince responds depends on your choice. Of course, Blair would never act defeated.

There is no God but myself. No destiny but what I deem for me. I walk my path and no others, for I am free.
You Die in both its just one is as a warrior...and the other is on your knees, but not literally.

Special Operations
"Kind of a bummer have your butt kicked by a dead guy!"
Once you get to the Proxima campaign, you're goose is cooked!
There is another, I think it's in the Loki campaign where Thrakath challenges Blair into a duel. You're choice

Killed him 1 of 3 in veteran mode, did better with a joystick - 2 of 3.

Turn me loose, Colonel.
This is what I live for!
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I need to get my version running.

Member of the LMG and hating it (Disgruntled Man)
Real heros wear SCBAs, not capes.--Me.
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Not Necessarily a SPOILER...

If you do duel w/ Thrakath, he's too much of a chatterbox and very annoying. I guess that must been why he got me in first place.

Turn me loose, Colonel.
This is what I live for!
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Oh, and if you do duel with Thrakhath, don't expect to get anywhere even if you do beat him.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
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Oh, I just loved it when Blair signals Thrakhath to approach, when he gets caught and is offered a chance to ask for a pardon, and then says "Screw you"
Yeah, that was great

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
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As others have noted, once you get on the losing path (if you hit Proxima, you're going to fail no matter how well you fly), you fight at Sol till you either eject or get killed.

If you eject, you're taken aboard Thrak's dreadnaught, and brought before him. He gives you the chance to beg for mercy, at which point you have 2 choices: one is admit defeat, and generally acting like someone who's will to live was taken away, after which the guards blast you from behind; the other option is defiance, in the previously mentioned "screw you" scene, and Thrak guts you like he did Angel.

As for dueling with Thrak after the Behemoth is destroyed, while it is possible to kill him and get back to the carrier at the time (they're on a countdown to get out of Loki after the B's destruction), it's not exactly easy. In the original DOS version, if you salvo-fire all your missiles at him, then afterburn back to the Victory, generally he winds up dead (especially so if you let loose with all 8 missiles in an Arrow), and you can make it with roughly 15-20 seconds to spare, depending on what fighter you're in. If you're playing the Kilrathi Saga version of WC3, though the Vic jumps as soon as Thrak dies (even if there's time remaining), leaving you stranded, and bringing your advancement in the game to a dead halt.

Even if you do destroy Thrakhath and land on the Victory before it jumps out, though, you still face him again over Kilrah, as if nothing had happened in Loki.

SubCrid Death
Official Net.Nazi, LOAF's Merry Guild
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