WC2 deluxe cd dosbox problem

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I run WC2 deluxe and it crashes to windows during 4th misssion, the first one with broadsword (not 2nd, wich played fine, even without loadfix); it happens the moment i try to land on tcs concordia.

I input loadfix -32 (dosbox says: "32 kb allocated etc...") then i input "wc2" again to run the game and still the same situation (except that once it didn't exit to windows but just stopped responding)

can anyone help me please? I finished this awesome game once and I want to experience it once again...

dosbox v0.73
Wrong usage of command. You need to run loadfix with wc2 as parameter, that is
loadfix -32 wc2
IIRC. Executing them one after the other doesn't have any effect.
Yeah, but the problem is I input exactly "loadfix -32 wc2", then "32 kb allocated" pops up, and IMMIDIATELY after "32 kb freed" and WC2 does not run. That's why I did input wc2 again, to run the program, though i sensed that something's wrong as this 32kb are not supposed to be freed again.

Afterwards I tried running wc2 using d.o.g. frontend with loadfix set to 32 and now it works. So i must be doing something wrong when using clean dosbox; is there something else i need to write apart from "loadfix -32 wc2"? Now that's a minor problem as wc2 runs well in d.o.g. but i'm curious.
of course. for whatever x number you always get "x kb allocated. x kb freed" message and nothing happens.
I have a similar problem, except for I get 64kb allocated and freed. No numbers of combinations seems to allow me to change the loadfix number for some reason. This wouldn't be a big issue, but I would like to be able to hear the in-flight chatter, which gets cut out with 64kb allocated for some reason. Is the only known work-around for this a frontloader?
I don't know what would force it to that higher number. Have you tried completely removing and reinstalling dosbox?
Yeah, but the problem is I input exactly "loadfix -32 wc2", then "32 kb allocated" pops up, and IMMIDIATELY after "32 kb freed" and WC2 does not run.

wc2 deluxe you actually run form the cdrom... When you type wc into the dos prompt you are in fact calling d:\wc.bat

the wc.bat looks like this....
@echo off
cd wing2
..\sgfind origin2 gamedat
if errorlevel 26 goto s26
if errorlevel 25 goto s25
if errorlevel 24 goto s24
if errorlevel 23 goto s23
if errorlevel 22 goto s22
if errorlevel 21 goto s21
if errorlevel 20 goto s20
if errorlevel 19 goto s19
if errorlevel 18 goto s18
if errorlevel 17 goto s17
if errorlevel 16 goto s16
if errorlevel 15 goto s15
if errorlevel 14 goto s14
if errorlevel 13 goto s13
if errorlevel 12 goto s12
if errorlevel 11 goto s11
if errorlevel 10 goto s10
if errorlevel 9 goto s9
if errorlevel 8 goto s8
if errorlevel 7 goto s7
if errorlevel 6 goto s6
if errorlevel 5 goto s5
if errorlevel 4 goto s4
if errorlevel 3 goto s3
if errorlevel 2 goto s2
if errorlevel 1 goto s1
goto abort
..\cdwedge 1
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 2
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 3
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 4
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 5
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 6
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 7
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 8
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 9
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 10
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 11
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 12
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 13
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 14
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 15
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 16
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 17
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 18
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 19
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 20
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 21
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 22
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 23
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 24
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 25
goto rungame
..\cdwedge 26

wc2.exe %1 %2 %3 %4
cd ..
echo .

The bat file dose not take the command, this is why it is allocated then immediately freed cause after it fails it just frees he memory.

As you can see the wc.exe is in fact in d:\wing2\wc.exe but if you just run it... you will load it but it will not load any of the sound settings saved into c:\ORIGIN2

The fix for all this?

Just go into the wc.bat file and edit it in any text editor and change the 5th last line from wc2.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 to loadfix -32 wc2.exe %1 %2 %3 %4

I myself have win commander delux and ran ito the problem you are having and as well as that you will most likely find that you will also not be able to edit the bat file as it is on the cdrom.. so all you need to do is copy the entire cdrom content into a folder on your Hdrive (but NOT the folder you are mounting as c drive) and then mount that FOLDER as a cdrom instead of the cdrom itself, like i assume you are at the moment....

use this command

mount d c:\games\dosbox\iso\wc2dlux -t cdrom

but change the cyan bit to the correct path you are using to store your game files...

Hope this help.
That's a good observation and solution. WC2 deluxe on CD isn't a different game however, it's just got those bat files. You can copy the whole game to the hard drive and install/setup from there, and then run it without playing with bat files at all, and loadfix should then work normally.
I think it is a little diffrent, as it dose not store the config and all that in teh root of the wing2 dir... just copying it to the hdrive and then runnign install dosn't work.. or at least didn't seam to for me.. as it installed the config files and your save games in c:\origin\SomthingICanNotRemeber, the bat file seams to get the config to load form this dir as well las you saving....

So.. I couldn't get it to work with sound just by copying it to the hdrive and running the install or running the wc.exe.... Like i said.. I had to copy the entire cd to the hdrive, then mount that directory as a CDROM, then run the install of d: and run the game using d:\wc.bat, or sm2.bat

I could do it of a ISO, but if you want to edit teh bat file to use that LOADFIX thign you need to be bale to edit teh bat file and this is why i copied it to the hdrive and mounted it.. as you coudl edit teh bat file and still load the entire dir as a cdrom.
I think it is a little diffrent, as it dose not store the config and all that in teh root of the wing2 dir... just copying it to the hdrive and then runnign install dosn't work.. or at least didn't seam to for me.. as it installed the config files and your save games in c:\origin\SomthingICanNotRemeber, the bat file seams to get the config to load form this dir as well las you saving....

Yeah, the cd image thing and mounting it as a CD-rom isn't necessary. You don't copy the whole CD... just the 'WING2' subdirectory. You ignore all of the bat files in the root CD of the drive. Once the directory is copied to the harddrive go to the WING2 directory (or whatever you called it) on your harddrive and run the 'winstall' file to set up your sound hardware (and create the cfg file) and then run WC2.exe from there.
You don't copy the whole CD... just the 'WING2' subdirectory. You ignore all of the bat files in the root CD of the drive. Once the directory is copied to the harddrive go to the WING2 directory (or whatever you called it) on your harddrive and run the 'winstall' file to set up your sound hardware (and create the cfg file) and then run WC2.exe from there.

ahhhh.. ic. pffft.. and i thought i was being so cleaver getting it to work :(
ahhhh.. ic. pffft.. and i thought i was being so cleaver getting it to work :(

Nah, it's actually a clever alternate solution since so many people initially try and run the game off the CD and can't figure out how to install it properly. It's nice to have more than one option.
for me to get Wing2 to run, here is the copy of my bat file, wc2.bat

@echo off
cd wing2
loadfix wc2.exe

if you notice, i added wc2.exe instead of just wc2.

this solved my problem with the loadfix not starting wc2 on the command line. now i am hiving problems with erros when trying to save the concordia at the asteroid field with Angel. I destroy the Ralagtha after it jumps, and then boom...error 029 or 259...nuts!