WC1 Deluxe edition


Mpanty's bane
I own the deluxe edition of WC1 included in the "TOP TEN PAk II" from Electronic Arts.
Now if I transfer my character from WC1 to SM1 or to SM2 many wingmen (mostly Maniac, Hunter and Angel) die. They are not flying on my wing (that is probably why they die *g*), nobody talks about it, no funeral scene -the killboard just states that they are KIA. They are also not in the bar area anymore and in future missions where they should be my wingmen I have to fly solo. This is mostly annoying because a lot of the story is spoiled, e.g. Angel "dies" in SM2 before she can tell me that she will transfer to the Austin.
If I start a new character in SM1/2 this problem does not occur.
Has anyone experienced the same and found a solution?
I would appreciate any (sensible) answer. Thanks
I believe this is the equivalent of e-mailing disk exchange, so I think it's acceptable (others may disagree, though). I would expect SW to prove that he has it, first, though.

Regarding your problem, it's a bug. I can't remember how to fix it, but there definitely is a way.
Ooh... wow....

That's from the original manuals, all right; never realized Tolwyn was mentioned that early!
If I click "email Silent Warrior" I see no way how to attach a file, so please post your address or tell me how to do it.

And Quarto, thanks so at least I know there is a cure.
That's perfectly sufficient, SW :).

Mekt-Hakkikt: If you use the form to send SW an e-mail, he can then reply to you and you'll have his e-mail address. Or you can just wait for him to post the address here.
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
Thanks, I will email him, perhaps he does not want to post his address in such a forum.

Ahh, that was another faux-pas due to my bad English.
I did not want to say that THIS forum is not to be trusted just that you perhaps do not want to post your address in any public forum (There are a lot of crazy people in the world, so I would understand).
Anyway I replied to your email and attached a small present to it ;).
Not as far as I know. It is strange because on my computer it worked perfectly. I really hope you get it to work, if not I think I could burn you the CD and sent it to you (yes I know that you live in Sweden but I do not think that a parcel is that costly from germany to Sweden). Or would that be considered illegal?