WC Projects Missions


Vice Admiral
I know it's alot to ask, and it's usually the last thing being done (because it's the hardest and most time consuming) but I'm having alot of trouble learning to use WCP without some source mission code to look at it. Specifically, none of the source mission code I've found shows how to use Capital Ships, and I keep running against errors.

I am really quite appreciative for the help you guys have offered me, but it's kind of a pain to keep running back to the boards everytime I have a question, and to wait for a response...

...any chance one of more of the Wing Commander Projects out there would release the source code to a mission or two to help along wayward programmers like myself?
Hmm, we'll get back to you in a few days (and if we don't remind us). We had actually planned to release the UE source code at some point after the release. It's just that I didn't want to release the source until we released the v1.02 (or was it v1.03?) patch, but we never got around to completing this patch, and eventually forgot about it :p.

I don't think you can count on anything from SO projects other than UE, though. There's really only Standoff to speak of, and I'd certainly be against giving out any Standoff source code while the whole thing remains incomplete and unreleased.
Well as I stated, not really interested in FULL Source code, just the mission stuff.

To be honest, if I had some of it to work off of, I would be much farther along at learning all I wish to know about Mission Programming, possibly far enough along to render assistance...

... I understand the desire not to release soure code from a current project, though. And thanks, Quarto.
Quarto said:
Hmm, we'll get back to you in a few days (and if we don't remind us). We had actually planned to release the UE source code at some point after the release. It's just that I didn't want to release the source until we released the v1.02 (or was it v1.03?) patch, but we never got around to completing this patch, and eventually forgot about it :p.

I don't think you can count on anything from SO projects other than UE, though. There's really only Standoff to speak of, and I'd certainly be against giving out any Standoff source code while the whole thing remains incomplete and unreleased.

Quatro...can we get some of that data now?
Hehe... I'm gonna be an asshole and tell you that you won't get it until you learn to spell my callsign right :p.

But seriously though... I'm sorry, I forgot all about this. The plan was that I would spend a few days going through the code, fix anything that needed fixing, and release v1.03 before releasing the source. Unfortunately, I never got around to doing this. Gimme a bit more time, I'll release the source soon.