WC HL2 Deathmatch.... or CS map Or whatever... at least it might be someday

baphomet_irl said:
are there reliable easy-to-use boolean options in Hammer?

Just to give you an Idea of my level of expertise, I have no Idea what you mean.

I know what boolean is and use it all the time doing internet searches but I dont have any Idea how I would use it to do 3D modeling.

What I do know is that even though there is a decent GUI under the surface there is a great deal that can be done if a person has programming skills as well. In my research I've been surprised by the potential of source and feel like I'm barely scratching the surface. Once I get this thing to a reasonable level I really hope someone with broader experience could volunteer to spend some time on it as well. I feel I have almost completed the basic layout.

I havent decided whether or not to include a lower deck with fighter and ordinance storage or not...
AD said:
Just to give you an Idea of my level of expertise, I have no Idea what you mean.

I know what boolean is and use it all the time doing internet searches but I dont have any Idea how I would use it to do 3D modeling.

What I do know is that even though there is a decent GUI under the surface there is a great deal that can be done if a person has programming skills as well. In my research I've been surprised by the potential of source and feel like I'm barely scratching the surface. Once I get this thing to a reasonable level I really hope someone with broader experience could volunteer to spend some time on it as well. I feel I have almost completed the basic layout.

I havent decided whether or not to include a lower deck with fighter and ordinance storage or not...

well what I mean would be for example, create 8 sided brush (and make a copy of it), and then intersect it with the 4 sided -brush (wall) and then do a boolean to subtract it from the wall, then get the copy of that octagonal bit, hollow it and place it where the chopped out bit is. I think GTKRadiant had it, but it was very dodgy to use, always ended up editing vertices yourself anyway :)

yeh the source engine is very nice, and with that HDR stuff in Lost Coast it looks REALLY amazing
baphomet_irl said:
well what I mean would be for example, create 8 sided brush (and make a copy of it), and then intersect it with the 4 sided -brush (wall) and then do a boolean to subtract it from the wall, then get the copy of that octagonal bit, hollow it and place it where the chopped out bit is. I think GTKRadiant had it, but it was very dodgy to use, always ended up editing vertices yourself anyway :)

yeh the source engine is very nice, and with that HDR stuff in Lost Coast it looks REALLY amazing

I'm not sure what your getting at... I made a solid brush and "clipped" it into shape I wanted. I extended it however long I wanted it and then used the hollow function for it to automatically make all the walls (using a pos number to have the walls go in from the outside or a neg to go outward meaning the end result is larger than your initial brush) Then I would use the same solid to carve intersecting doorways. Apparently you can do all this in code too but for now I'm pretty much sticking with whats in Hammer. Part of the complaint was probably because the proportions are a bit off. The top angles should probably be slightly shorter, and the bottom ones should be half of what I have them. I Don't think the results are terrible in engine but it will be a lot of work to change it (more tedious than difficult). So if it bugs me enough I just might... But I'm not looking forward to it. For now I'm still trying to work out the bugs in my elevator and ladders.

I played lost coast the other day and yes it looks amazing! It was pretty short, but some of the little things in the way light reflects and stuff were really neat. The monastary shootout was especially standout with the the stained glass and the hanging gold lamps that swayed...
AD said:
I'm not sure what your getting at... I made a solid brush and "clipped" it into shape I wanted. I extended it however long I wanted it and then used the hollow function for it to automatically make all the walls (using a pos number to have the walls go in from the outside or a neg to go outward meaning the end result is larger than your initial brush) Then I would use the same solid to carve intersecting doorways. Apparently you can do all this in code too but for now I'm pretty much sticking with whats in Hammer. Part of the complaint was probably because the proportions are a bit off. The top angles should probably be slightly shorter, and the bottom ones should be half of what I have them. I Don't think the results are terrible in engine but it will be a lot of work to change it (more tedious than difficult). So if it bugs me enough I just might... But I'm not looking forward to it. For now I'm still trying to work out the bugs in my elevator and ladders.

I played lost coast the other day and yes it looks amazing! It was pretty short, but some of the little things in the way light reflects and stuff were really neat. The monastary shootout was especially standout with the the stained glass and the hanging gold lamps that swayed...

oh ok now im confused eheh - well i think i know what you mean :)

yeah the Byzantine church was incredible looking - did you play it with the commentary on aswell?
Note: Source file formats

baphomet_irl said:
did you play it with the commentary on aswell?
Yep... pretty interesting.

Anyway, heres a bit of info in the formats that I can use in the source engine...

Create the source texture in the .TGA format, in 16-, 24- or 32-bit format, with dimensions equal to powers of 2. (For textures that appear on large surfaces a good scale is 512 pixels for 10 feet [3.0 meters] in the game.) The .TGA can also contain an alpha channel to be used with effects such as transparency or specularity. http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Creating_Materials

You can find quite a bit of info about coding and modeling in soure at that site actually:http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SDK_Docs

Now as far as importing models go I havent done a lot of reaserch into it yet but the XSI mod tool (whick I think is still a free download... gmax is no longer downloadable from autodesk) can import:
model files: *.edml
scene files: *.dsc
iges files: *.igs; *.iges
eps files: *.eps; *.ai
wavefront: *.obj
Biovision: *.bvh
aclaim: *.asf
And XSI itself uses *.scn and *.exp files.

Anyway, apart from that You can see more extensive moddeling info here:http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Category:Modeling

You should be able to use xsi, blender, and 3ds max to create the *.mdl files for use with hammer.
AD said:
Yep... pretty interesting.

Anyway, heres a bit of info in the formats that I can use in the source engine...

Create the source texture in the .TGA format, in 16-, 24- or 32-bit format, with dimensions equal to powers of 2. (For textures that appear on large surfaces a good scale is 512 pixels for 10 feet [3.0 meters] in the game.) The .TGA can also contain an alpha channel to be used with effects such as transparency or specularity. http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Creating_Materials

You can find quite a bit of info about coding and modeling in soure at that site actually:http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SDK_Docs

Now as far as importing models go I havent done a lot of reaserch into it yet but the XSI mod tool (whick I think is still a free download... gmax is no longer downloadable from autodesk) can import:
model files: *.edml
scene files: *.dsc
iges files: *.igs; *.iges
eps files: *.eps; *.ai
wavefront: *.obj
Biovision: *.bvh
aclaim: *.asf
And XSI itself uses *.scn and *.exp files.

Anyway, apart from that You can see more extensive moddeling info here:http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Category:Modeling

You should be able to use xsi, blender, and 3ds max to create the *.mdl files for use with hammer.

thanks for that - i never even got by the set project up install type stuff eheh :)
Ok So it's still a WIP but Here's some of the changes I'm working on for the Hallway.


  • hallway.jpg
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Looking really good to me. Can you post a picture that shows your entire map layout? (i.e. like an overhead wireframe shot).
There is a way.... i just have to figure it out. Much like Everything else.:)
More detail... And some pipes. Jeez. Pipes must be about the most irritating thing to make in hammer as the textures make problems whenever you rotate a cylinder (and it always makes them in the same plane so you always have to rotate horizontal pipes. Ah well... I think the end result will be worth the little extra work.


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Delance said:
Cool. Can the weapons be modded?

I believe everything is moddable. Some of it just more complicated and requires programming knowledge. (you can adjust gravity levels as stuff too if you want to. (although I dont know about creating areas that have different levels of gravity within the same level).

Theres a way to make custom HUDS and stuff too but I don't know anything about that yet. I'm still stuck halfway trying to convert some of the models in the CIC files section to work. The problem so far seems to be the textures but I'm trying to figure that out.

Oh, and Maj. Striker, Short of making a layout map, I might just release a bare map so you guys can comment on the layout, suggest ship placement and such (as they'll provide needed cover on the flight deck) and any general thoughts/ changes you think might be usefull.
That would be sweet...I assume this requires a full version HL2 to play? I'd be willing to model some of the WC weapons if someone would figure out how to import them into the game....
Ok, I've been doing some testing and I now know how to put up my own intro vids (replacing the valve logo). I tested it with the origin logo and WCP title vids from prophecy. Now I just need to make a splash screen for behinf the menus.

I did a bunch of sound testing too... (working on a small two room map cause it compiles 100 times faster) and have finally figured out the sliding doors and how to put in my own sounds. So using the sounds I extracted from WC3-psx ages ago I can make the doors and stuff sound authentic. The immersion is so much more real with just that little step... It just feels so much more like Wing commander. I haven't ironed out the environment soundscapes yet. I havent figured out how to make them loop more than for a few seconds but wow I loved what I heard... plus I can randomize other tool, steam, etc. sound effects in different areas.

I reworked my pipe method and am pleased with the results. No screens tonight as its bedtime and it would take at least an hour and a half to compile the map again with the changes. (dont worry, once compiled it loads fast every time after that)

I'd love to have you contribute to the weapons Striker. I havent completely figured out importing models yet but If you dont have it, a safe bet would be to download the XSI mod tool (which I believe is a free download). Alternatively 3DS max is fine. But make sure you download the HL2 tools for Max (for exporting the models in format needed for compiling HL2 models)

Here are some resources you might want to read up on:
Hmm, I don't have XSI but I'm sure I could get it. Theres a lot of things I wouldn't know how to do though...namely come up with the firing animations (laser bolts etc), animate hands to simulate reloading etc (not sure if you would need to reload an energy weapon). I'm afraid that beyond modelling the actual weapons themselves...I'd be at a loss.
Maj.Striker said:
Hmm, I don't have XSI but I'm sure I could get it. Theres a lot of things I wouldn't know how to do though...namely come up with the firing animations (laser bolts etc), animate hands to simulate reloading etc (not sure if you would need to reload an energy weapon). I'm afraid that beyond modelling the actual weapons themselves...I'd be at a loss.

I always imagined energy guns needing some kind of battery that would eventually run out and need changing.

One method would be to take and existing weapon from the game and "modify" it... most of the work would be moddeling (untill we try and change how the firing works. ) but I imagine the Combine Rifle would make a fine base for the way a confed rifle fires.