WC booze

I dont know how widespread this beer is but It is brewed in san fransisco.

We sell Anchor Steam here in Connecticut, but you tend to have to go to, er, "nicer" stores. That is, a lot of liquor places won't carry it, its something of a specialty item. I've never cared for it myself.
I'm not man enough for Anchor Steam.
~~~ Perhaps your taste it too refined? I didnt say I like the stuff, just that I deliver it.

Guess it is more spread out. its not the most popular brew I got on the truck. In fact I dont move a whole lot of it.
To make a Hell’s Kitchen.

I know it's a long shot, but I'm wondering if there are any published instructions for making Wing Commander specific beverages? I'd love to be able to whip up a Hell's Kitchen or that blue stuff from Prophecy - preferably using 21st century ingredients. :)

According to Star*Soldier, a Hell’s Kitchen is equal parts bourbon,Tennessee and Brimstone whiskeys with a splash of Tobasco.

Now, I have no idea what Brimstone whisky may be like, but I somehow envision it being stronger, more potent stuff (much like those rough and tumble colonist types).

But still, three of the four ingredients are whiskeys of one kind or another. Lets take a quick look at the ingredient(s).

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Knowledge College: Whisky 101
-Rye whiskey (which must be at least 51% rye) is known for imparting what many call a "peppery" flavor to the whiskey, and it also has a bitter quality.

-Bourbon whiskey (which must be at least 51% maize/corn) is noticeably sweeter, and tends to be slightly heavier bodied than rye.

-Corn whiskey (which is made from a mash made up of at least 80% maize/corn) is good ol’ moonshine.

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That said, I present to you my down and dirty recipe for a Hell’s Kitchen:

1/3 cup Bourbon whiskey (Jack Daniel's or something like it)
1/3 cup Rye whisky (Jim Beam or something like it)
1/3 cup Corn whisky (Everclear or something like it)
1/8 tsp Tabasco sauce

Instructions: Mix ingredients together, stirring or shaking violently, serve in a slightly clean glass in a crowded bar.

Now if that is to expensive or (gods forbid, complicated) simply pour yourself a glass of straight whisky of your choosing, shake a Tabasco bottle into it once or twice, and light the damn thing on fire, because while I don’t know the scientific explanation for it, fire makes it good.

Kanpai! :cool:
Hell's Kitchen reads a lot like Three Wise Men, plus tobassco. I fear its mighty strength.
What was in Firekka's Finest again? Whiskey and Tobasco sauce and something? How would one mimic that in present day Terra?
I didn't know there was an official recipe for Firekka's Finest? Though to be the real thing it would probably have to actually come from Firekka, just like whiskey can only be labeled 'Scotch' if it is from Scotland - even Albertson's brand in the plastic jug.

That said, I present to you my down and dirty recipe for a Hell’s Kitchen

Except that authentic Brimstone whiskey is probably distilled from Mopok sweat or something.
I didn't know there was an official recipe for Firekka's Finest? Though to be the real thing it would probably have to actually come from Firekka, just like whiskey can only be labeled 'Scotch' if it is from Scotland - even Albertson's brand in the plastic jug.

It's not from Scotland if it's whiskey.

Whisky - now that's another matter.
I didn't know there was an official recipe for Firekka's Finest?

He's thinking of how Hunter describes his reaction to the drink in Freedom Flight: "He drained the last of the drink, feeling like he'd drunk several stiff shots of whiskey mixed with a gallon of Tabasco sauce." The actual drink "... is made from the kika seeds, mixed with al-co-hol to bring out the natural flavor of the seeds."
It's not from Scotland if it's whiskey.

Whisky - now that's another matter.

Our spellin's a little diffrnt up in the backwoods where we make the 'shine


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What company do you work with? Star? DiChello? Gallo?
Sorry for the delay. I work for D.B.I. beverage. New owner has been busy buying up disributors left and right. I hear we are now in the " top 15" biggest. Im certain one wing nut has seen me workin. =X I dont have romonos on fridays anymore = (
Workin'? I've only ever seen you in the trailer drinking up all the profits.;)

Been wondering why you haven't been around on Friday though.
~~~ thats becuase I am in the trailer drinkin up the profits! Its hard to find my stops when im startin my friday night drinkin at 0530! How fun my job would be with no depth perception and seeing double =Þ.
I get all the stops in that area on thursdays now. My thursdays suck. So if you see a grey blur and hear somone cussin its just me delivering wondering how im gonna beat the clock yet again.
interesting how they would go back in the beer tech. I mean now we have cold activated mountains, large mouths and even vents for " smoother pour". I hope we carry that energy drink! I want a fighter made of bicepts!
I think the seeming deevolution of the beer can in the future must have a logical explanation due to its use in zero-g environments or faster than light speeds or something.