WC and the future of space sims.

The live actors thing has gone the way of the dodo since computer animation has gotten so powerful, I think if a great game is delivered it with great reviews the buying public that aren't WC fans will still buy the game. Afterall, if they're not WC fans then they probably didn't know about the actors in the earlier games. Like it's been said, the voices is all that would be needed to tell the story.
They can always hire those same actor...but not use film.....they could using imaging technology to make talking heads. THey would not have to be there quiet as long....you only need a sound studio to record thier lines, then the technical staff can play with thier animations later to match the moods and dialogue of the cast.

This can also be used as a selling point...there are alot of people out there who buy games for graphics...was one of the orginal things for WC1, it was new and looked good. Impressive technology only has to sink its teeth in, a excellant storyling and wicked game play can bring more players as the game markets.

We may see more Live FMV in games once the prices start to go down for filming...they will all probably go digital when Lucas Arts perfects it from being to crisp looking (Attack of the clones).