WC Album Kickstarter Nears Half Way Point (March 4, 2014)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator

George Oldziey's campaign to create a Wing Commander music album with a live orchestra is nearing the two week mark. Although the funding drive is almost half way finished and more than 200 Wing Commander fans have contributed, it's currently a bit short of 50% of the goal. No money is paid out to finance the album's production unless a minimum of $35,000 is reached, so it's very important that we hit at least that milestone! Please check out the pledge tiers and contribute what you are able. And don't hesitate to share with your friends. If everyone who read this post today put in $10, we'd be twice as close to the goal!

George has also shared a new story from his time at Origin. This time he discusses the success of Wing Commander 3 and how that spun off into the development process of WC4. It really sheds some light on how big a role the director's vision plays into the final product. "I'm fast forwarding a bit to a story from WC4. After the great critical and commercial success of WC3, many on the team had what you may call, shall I say, an air of invincibility about them. I have to swallow my pride and say I was a bit touched by that phenomenon as well. To that effect, there was one cut scene late in the game in WC4 where Blair (Mark Hamill) was being chased down a long corridor on a space ship by confederation troops loyal to Tolwyn..." Read the rest here and please contribute to help make this album a reality!

Thanks to all for helping us get passed the $11,000 threshold! A very SPECIAL thanks to the lovely lady who got us over that hump; my amazing 95 year old mother-in-law Lorraine Stern! Thanks LOLO!

As for all you young whippersnappers! Please help spread the word! We have 17 days to go to meet our base level of $35,000. We can do it!

Thanks from the bottom of my heart!


Original update published on March 4, 2014
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That's a brave thing to admit something like that. I'll have to re-watch the scene in question to hear how the music fares in the final cut.
That's a brave thing to admit something like that. I'll have to re-watch the scene in question to hear how the music fares in the final cut.

I can't say I ever noticed it. I did spend more time with the WC4 video though. It wouldn't be the worst excuse for rewatching all the cutscenes...