Watch the Midway's Plasma Weapon Fire... Twice! (June 4, 2024)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
I was thinking about the Prophecy Advance clip we shared yesterday, and it reminded me that regular Wing Commander Prophecy on the PC rocks too! Here's the exciting cutscene where the Midway fires its massive Nephilim plasma weapon. Did you know that if you fail the final mission and then continue, the ship desperately tries to fire the weapon a second time? This does not work out well for the Terran Confederation!

With that being said, the crew definitely had warning that there could be disastrous results!

Original update published on June 4, 2024
Prophecy certainly does rock, and it was my first Wing Commander! I played the OEM version first, since it was part of a Real3D Starfighter demo disc set. I played that demo to death. I was also amazed to discover years later the entire WC series, as well as Freelancer. I love space.
Like I wrote on YT:
It would've been an awesome ending if the Midway took the wormhole gate and the Nephilim fleet with it in the cutscene with the failing plasma weapon.
Like I wrote on YT:
It would've been an awesome ending if the Midway took the wormhole gate and the Nephilim fleet with it in the cutscene with the failing plasma weapon.
The issue with that is that this is the losing endgame. You see it when you fail, so there's not a huge incentive to show you managing to take out the enemy fleet regardless. :)