Watch Hamill Receive His Star (March 23, 2018)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
As we reported last month, Wing Commander hero and prominent voice actor Mark Hamill recently received his star on the Hollywood walk of fame. George Lucas and Harrison Ford also helped present the honor, so it looks like it was quite an event! Check out the fun below:

Mark Hamill aka Luke Skywalker from 'Star War' received his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. George Lucas, Harrison Ford and more were on hand to present Hamill with the honor. Mark thanked his fans and even ended his speech with his infamous joker laugh.

Original update published on March 23, 2018
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Are there any special rules for when you get to have a star, because that seems way overdue? Still cool though, don't get me wrong.
Anyone can be nominated for a star, but there are some steps along the way that make it hard for everyone to get one. Nominees are reviewed by a committee who determine whether they're sufficiently important for a star. From several hundred nominations they choose about twenty in a year (only about half of which are film related.) Once an actor is selected, they have to agree to be present for the star unveiling and to pay a significant fee to cover future uptake (around $40,000.) The process is often handled by a studio hoping to promote a current movie... I don't know the details of Mr. Hamill's star, but it's quite possible Disney paid the fee and arranged the appearance as part of promoting The Last Jedi.