**warning** stupid question...

Ahh.... they ain't so tough...

Actually I haven't seen too many movies about the Mafia besides that one. Most of the ones I see usually have to do with the Chinese or Russians.
Because most of the movies you AMERICANS see are... well American movies... :) (unless it's best foreign movie at the Academy Awards...)

In Italy, LOTS of movies have been made about the Mafia...
"La Piovra" notably, is Europe renowned... I watched some of it for the first time while I was in Germany, back in 1990!!!!! :)
You can't watch the Godfather too much. It's simply not possible.

"...You don't ask with respect. You don't offer friendship. You don't even think to call me Godfather. Instead, you come into my house on the day my daughter is to be married, and you uh ask me to do murder, for money."

"I ask you for justice." For great justice!

The Princess Bride, also a good movie. Should be one of the first every kid sees. After the Godfather, of course. The sight of a horses severed head in bed with a guy is a nightmare every child should have. =)