vagabond himself on a new scifi show


Rear Admiral
Francois Chau aka vagabond is on a new show called the expanse on syfy channel dont know how big his role will be but the show is pretty great so far, its been called game of thrones in space, and George R R Martin endorses the show and books it is based on. So far im loving the show it also has shades of battlestar galatica, which is my favorite Scifi of all time. anyways just though I would share.
While i liked elements of BSG I loathe the series as a whole. It took itself too seriously, got bogged down in aimless political filler episodes and had a ridiculous ending that made you wonder if they weren't just making it all up by the seat of their pants as they went along instead of having an actual plan. However I have heard good things about the expanse and will check it out when I get a chance.
While i liked elements of BSG I loathe the series as a whole. It took itself too seriously, got bogged down in aimless political filler episodes and had a ridiculous ending that made you wonder if they weren't just making it all up by the seat of their pants as they went along instead of having an actual plan. However I have heard good things about the expanse and will check it out when I get a chance.

I agree with you on the ending of battlestar, but season 1 and season 2 to me are the best scifi ever put on the little or big screen. it had amazing set design and yet still felt grounded in reality as far as yes it is the future, but unlike star trek, we still have to have water, fuel, and other resources. some of my favorite episodes had nothing to do with the cyclons at all, like them still trying to have a government with only 50,000 people left. I love how very minor characters at the start of the show were fully fleshed out characters by the end. I could gush on and on about the show. season 1 and 2 to me are 10/10. season three did take a dip and had more filler episodes so like an 8/10, and season 4 was a 9/10. the ending does bring it down some but there are also great set pieces in 4 that really help it rise up.

I am excited to see where the expanse goes, its too slow in some spots, but it does have an interesting set up, and I love thomas jane. either way its nice to see syfy channel doing this instead of that schlock they been doing. another good show on the channel is dark matter, its not perfect at all, but enjoyable.
I just caught up with the expanse. I like some of the hard-science they weave into the show. It's a bit slow in spots but overall its a fun noir. I really liked seeing Vagabond again.
I agree with you on the ending of battlestar, but season 1 and season 2 to me are the best scifi ever put on the little or big screen. it had amazing set design and yet still felt grounded in reality as far as yes it is the future, but unlike star trek, we still have to have water, fuel, and other resources. some of my favorite episodes had nothing to do with the cyclons at all, like them still trying to have a government with only 50,000 people left. I love how very minor characters at the start of the show were fully fleshed out characters by the end. I could gush on and on about the show. season 1 and 2 to me are 10/10. season three did take a dip and had more filler episodes so like an 8/10, and season 4 was a 9/10. the ending does bring it down some but there are also great set pieces in 4 that really help it rise up.

I am excited to see where the expanse goes, its too slow in some spots, but it does have an interesting set up, and I love thomas jane. either way its nice to see syfy channel doing this instead of that schlock they been doing. another good show on the channel is dark matter, its not perfect at all, but enjoyable.

I would be pretty hard pressed to call seasons 1 and 2 the best sci-fi ever but I at least found them entertaining enough that I stuck it out and watched the whole series. But for me part two of the pegasus episode was where it really turned bad. It wouldn't have hurt for them to have at least one remotely likeable character either.

Also, for all the effort they put into the logistics and trying to show a small government making do with limited resources it felt all wrong. I live in a community roughly the size they tell us the fleet is but what they are showing us is something closer to what you would expect from a 500k community, not one of 50k, and especially not when that 50k is divided into even smaller communities based on the number of ships they have.

Anyway, the space parts were good, and the show was at its best when they were at least making an effort to find earth. It did pick up part way through season three mostly for that reason.

As far as the expanse goes, I've been looking forward to watching it. What I've been hearing about it sounds promising. I have a soft spot for any sci-fi but this sounds like it checks a few extra boxes as well.
I would be pretty hard pressed to call seasons 1 and 2 the best sci-fi ever but I at least found them entertaining enough that I stuck it out and watched the whole series. But for me part two of the pegasus episode was where it really turned bad. It wouldn't have hurt for them to have at least one remotely likeable character either.

Also, for all the effort they put into the logistics and trying to show a small government making do with limited resources it felt all wrong. I live in a community roughly the size they tell us the fleet is but what they are showing us is something closer to what you would expect from a 500k community, not one of 50k, and especially not when that 50k is divided into even smaller communities based on the number of ships they have.

Anyway, the space parts were good, and the show was at its best when they were at least making an effort to find earth. It did pick up part way through season three mostly for that reason.

As far as the expanse goes, I've been looking forward to watching it. What I've been hearing about it sounds promising. I have a soft spot for any sci-fi but this sounds like it checks a few extra boxes as well.

we will just have to agree to disagree then. To me it did feel like a small community but then again I live in Atlanta. Considering the show was on the syfy channel the space battles looked amazing and they at least tried to get the physics right. And since they couldnt show the cyclons every episode they retained some scariness, that was the problem with star trek, you saw the borg and Klingons so much that it lost everything. Sometimes what works for some doesnt work for others, like the episode Colonial day. it felt like an episode of west wing in space to me. There would be different factions vying for control. that is why I think the 50,000 humans left plot pt was so good, its small enough to where extinction is a very real possibility, yet large enough to where you could see there being a point of a government. Going a step further Adama had every right to declare martial law bc a wrong government decision could be the last one. Speaking of the actor for Adama I think Edward James is one of the most underrated actors working today.

The other thing I liked is it took chances, if you remember the original movie and series it was a low rent star wars rip off. This is a show that truly tried to combine religion and Science Fiction and while it did not always work, it was a bold attempt. I feel like characters were in danger bc some would die, and even the bad guys were not one note they all had personalities and reasons for doing what they did.
Sorry for intruding and commenting on this side-topic.

The other thing I liked is it took chances, if you remember the original movie and series it was a low rent star wars rip off. This is a show that truly tried to combine religion and Science Fiction and while it did not always work, it was a bold attempt. I feel like characters were in danger bc some would die, and even the bad guys were not one note they all had personalities and reasons for doing what they did.

In my very humble and irrelevant opinion, new-BSG was outstanding, very remarkable in the general "feel" it emitted, set designs, CG effects etc. absolutely impressive. The pseudo-religios themes they tried to scratch, sorry, didn't convince me at all. Characters, not interesting to me 99% of the time. I don't want to offend you, Jdawg, or imply your opinion is worth less than mine or anything like that, please don't get it that way for I really appreciate your way of bringing up interesting topics, but to me New-BSG was, story- and chatacter-wise little more than "well every-thing and -one is pretty fucked up, let's paint everyone in gray to brown tones" unfortunately. They tried to get away with pretending some depth but didn't convince me. I'm all for post-modern what-the-f -ethics and all, but not if the writing appears cheap to me. As I already said, production values were awesome and deserve praise, but story-wise, I'd even go as far as claiming that Classic-BSG was, fot its time and environment, in many aspect bolder and fresher than New-BSG accomplished to be. That's just my opinion, I'm no authority or drama-critic or anything.

About Edward James Olmos: Maybe I'm mistaken but your remark about him being underrated... I don't think so. I believe everyone knows what a brilliant character actor he is. I mean, it's more than 30 years since he played Gaff in Blade Runner, by now everyone has to know.

On the real topic: François Chau (Vagabond) is a great actor, haven't seen the new stuff yet but every second of screen time he gets I'm 100% for!
We know but you ask any random 100 people who Edward is and 90 percent would say who, go to work and ask.

And I'm not offended at all, I adore the show as do a lot others and to me had great depth, but all media is extremely subjective. I think the dark knight is a complete mess besides heath as the joker, yet others adore that movie.
I first met catscratch before wing commander on a movie called only the strong, it is a little martial arts gem of a movie lol, it was and is a guilty pleasure of mine. I believe the movie is on netflix still. here is the trailer
