Ultrarealistic Robot Really Resides!

It's pretty cool, I saw that a week or two ago. When my roommate first saw it, he thought the guy with glasses was the robot.
Wow, that's is freaking awesome!!! Ok sure we may have just unleashed the destruction of the human race but I seriously doubt it. If there's a war to be fought...at least we've got a chance.
Can the android even walk? Cause I remember that Japanese robot that I think it was Honda that builit it, how they boasted about how this thing could actually walk up and down some stairs. I heard them say on this show I saw on PBS about making robots or androids that one of the biggest problems they're trying to overcome is make them be able to see. They said in some ways they've made progress with it, but it's really a matter of the robots being able to interpret a 3d object and being able to precisely grab it on its own. It was a really interesting show. I don't remember what it was called.
Maj.Striker said:
Wow, that's is freaking awesome!!! Ok sure we may have just unleashed the destruction of the human race but I seriously doubt it. If there's a war to be fought...at least we've got a chance.

That's why we got EMP weapons.
Shipgate said:
I heard them say on this show I saw on PBS about making robots or androids that one of the biggest problems they're trying to overcome is make them be able to see. They said in some ways they've made progress with it, but it's really a matter of the robots being able to interpret a 3d object and being able to precisely grab it on its own.

Probably the best bes, as opposed to some form of optical device, would be to use sonar and/or radar connected to some kind of 3d imager instantly feeding back and exact 3d reading of it's surroundings. That, coupled with a form of gyroscope to make sure that the thing keeps its ass below its head and there shouldnt be too much trouble as long as the ground isnt too uneven.
Shipgate said:
I heard them say on this show I saw on PBS about making robots or androids that one of the biggest problems they're trying to overcome is make them be able to see.

Another major problem is that they're trying to make andoids modeled after humans, which aren't known for their perfect designs, if you get my meaning. It would be a lot easier to have an android look less humanoid.

As for "seeing", a couple years back they made a big jump in making blind people see again. It involved a "pin cushion" that would tap out patterns into the person's back - say, an uppercase 'T' - and electrodes running from parts of the brain would pick up on this and 'flash' the image in the person's eyes.
Shipgate said:
Can the android even walk? Cause I remember that Japanese robot that I think it was Honda that builit it, how they boasted about how this thing could actually walk up and down some stairs.

They overcame that a while ago. The latest similar thing Japanese have had to brag about is getting an android robot to run. It's a lot more complicated than walking, because at the height of the pace both feet are off the ground and the robot must quickly and accurately calculate its ankles/feet versus the changing terrain underneath.

Quick, which one is the robot?

Beat me to the joke.
Ridgerunner said:
That's why Data isn't creepy. He looks like an android. Or a vampire. O.K., I guess he looks creepy, too. :D

This is an interesting phenomenon actually with studies done about the topic. People kinda like a robotic look where one can clearly see it is artificial. They also like synthetic persona (can also be 'talking heads' that look so real that they could be human. However people rather heavily dislike synthetic persona that look close to real, but are not quite there.
Great. The Japanese now technologically achieved what they portrayed in 70s sci-fi movies. Even the clothes look vintage.

I like Karl's (cff) idea - why are humans trying to make something lifelike, but despise it when they achieved it? It is question that goes a long way back, if you remember the history of visual arts. For hundreds of years, humans were portrayed idealisically or symbolically - and as soon Albrecht Duerer and his buddies came along and showed hom awesomely ugly everybody looked, the whole society cried blasphemism.

So what? Are we still afraid of our own craven image?
criticalmass said:
So what? Are we still afraid of our own craven image?
Judging by the number of people opting for plastic surgery and the number of personal beauty products these days, I would say yes.
I like humanoid-but-not-human robots. But maybe they should make them quadrupeds or even spider-like. a LOT more efficient, and robots don't have the same issues that made us bipeds.
Shipgate said:
Can the android even walk? Cause I remember that Japanese robot that I think it was Honda that builit it, how they boasted about how this thing could actually walk up and down some stairs.

was it this one?