

Hey, I just spent the whole day playing back through UE and wow, still great!

Unforunately, I found some errors that weren't in the original built. Boy, you change such small things in a code and the errors just crop up. There are no further horrific errors, just polish kind of things. (well, except for one).

1) On the Fralthi mission, I kill 35% of all enemies yet I don't get the 33% kill all enemies objective.

2) Still not absolutely sure why changing the in-game name of ship would cause this error, but the Fralthi has its turrets restored in the missions after you capture it and before it goes off for repairs. All missions between those two points have this error.

3) I think there is an error with the Libra and Aquarious escort mission where you have a destroyer blocking the Rostov jumppoint. Well, I hadn't destroyed all of the missile or gun turrets before the transports jumped out and said "Thanks for the escort, Colonel."

Unless the requirements were lessened for this mission or something, this is yet another error. BTW, it did seem that the transports jumped a little too soon as I don't remember hearing some of their other comms that they issue before reaching the jumppoint if the destroyer still has "teeth".

4) In the following cutscene where the Gartha destroy the "toothless" Orca, one of the Gartha seems to get distracted and is actually hit with several viper bolts from a Scim while chasing a moray or something. Might want to just check the cutscene to make sure it runs like it is supposed to.

5) The Kappa wing patrol cutscene in the asteroid field has the moray ramping into an asteroid. This one may just be one of those asteroid incidents due to asteroids being random creations. The camera times and/or angles seemed a little off, but that was probably caused by the moray dying from an asteroid.

6) Ghost, where did he go in the final mission. He didn't scream or eject. Its like he died in the launch nav or something. I also only saw one epee autopilot going to the first navpoint.

7) I don't have anything else, but I thought you [Quarto] said that the squids weren't supposed to be on continuous spawn during Mission 9. There is a notably difference, though, but they are still infinite in number after a period of time. Also, I destroyed all the morays (and everything else) before the first squid appeared, the squids. Granted I didn't destroy the turrets before I finished off the morays, so I stayed in the nav to take care of the turrets.

Just thought I'd bring this to ya'lls attention. I'll probably find some answers as to the intentions on some of these issues in the source code, but its too late at night for me check it now. Hey, if I fix some of these simple errors, will ya'll take the code?
know this isn't a bug in the game but this does bug me! The Banchee doesn't have any autoslide in the game but in WC4 it has autoslide! Shouldn't the banchee then have autoslide in Unknwen enemy?
scottandfiddle said:
know this isn't a bug in the game but this does bug me! The Banchee doesn't have any autoslide in the game but in WC4 it has autoslide! Shouldn't the banchee then have autoslide in Unknwen enemy?

I don't think the vision engine supports this.
Yes, I think the Wasp has autoslide too, but it has been a while since I edited anything in the Vision Engine.