Trying not to be too slow or useless.


Vice Admiral
I guess I'm not providing much useful info, I am handicapped by having an actual family and job, but I'm working my way through as fast as I can.

However, I find I have to go back to Troy and work on faction relations. I can't make campaign progress with only the Merchants and Kilrathi friendly with me. Hell, somehow the Retros are less hostile than the Confeds, Militia and Hunters. Running Tayla's and Lynch's missions really messed stuff up.

On the second to last mission for Lynch, Miggs wasn't there but his voice was.

It seems that if all the audio, including Burrows is working, where is Goodin's "Where do you think....." with Burrows snappy retort? Seems that would be an easy fix.


Privateer Remake Development Version.
yes it would be an easy fix if someone actually sent us the files

luckily Wendy decided to do just that

so you can expect a snappy Goodin for 1.0
As for your testing schedule

we all have other responsibilities in life--
that's part of an open source community driven project--things get done at their own speed... :-) and that's perfectly fine
I was out making nice with everyone, I took a mission to Auriga from either Perry or New Detroit. In Newcastle, my Galaxy got beat up by some Pirates. I got friendly with them, then continued. Took the jump from Newcatsle to Auriga, when I passed out of the jump sphere, I took some armor damage as if I had hit something. No one else was around.

I went back to Newcastle, and the same thing happened coming out of the Newcastle jump sphere. Went back to Auriga to complete the mission, it happened again. Landed at Elysia. Couldn't repair the ship because no ship dealer.

Took off and went back. It happened again at Newcastle, and New Constantinople. Coming out of the jump sphere in New Detroit I lost 1 bar of forward shield. It took 2000 credits to repair the ship, and of course the armor and hull replacements.

At ND, after fixing my ship, I took a mission to Wattenberger because it paid good. Got to Aldebran, there was no jump point to Camelot. I went to the nav map to look, and in the view that looks like a spiderweb, I was able to click on the star Alderbran so I could autopilot to it.

If there's no way to get to a mission destination, those missions shouldn't be available. Guess I don't have to go through the asteroids in Penders Star anymore again. I'll just go to the spiderweb nav map, click on the star, autopilot out, click on the next nav point and autopilot back. Cool.
Thank you for the bug report! It's a good thing you found this before 1.0

as for the damage when jumping...if your jump drive takes a hit, you may well find yourself with a jump drive that absolutely requires you to *stop* before jumping.

if you stop, the chance of getting damaged (if your jump drive is brokeN) goes down radically
Perhaps this is related to damage when jumping (pretty cool, BTW):

If I enter a jump sphere and initiate a jump, and there is a ship nearby (i.e. 1000 or 2000 units away), it often starts shooting. I can't tell if it's shooting at me, because sometimes it hits me and sometimes it doesn't. It seems like something about jumping makes the AI go slightly nuts for a few seconds.

These are freindly/nuetral ships that are shooting at me. Enemy ships, of course, are shooting at me regardless of my proximity to a jump sphere.
yep...has nothign to do with you

though if you notice people trying to aware that they'll end up on the other side at the same place you will--so you might want to give them "right of way"
hellcatv said:
Thank you for the bug report! It's a good thing you found this before 1.0

as for the damage when jumping...if your jump drive takes a hit, you may well find yourself with a jump drive that absolutely requires you to *stop* before jumping.

if you stop, the chance of getting damaged (if your jump drive is brokeN) goes down radically

The jump was over. I sustained damage leaving the jump point as if the sphere had solid walls. I did sustain damage from the Pirates prior to jumping, but 3 bars of shield went away and damage to the ship was done.
Took 3 missions to Oxford from New Detroit. I now have a cool Mil credits, the hard way.
Landed at Oxford. After I hit "D", the Masterson audio started, as if I had clicked on the Library, but I didn't even have a ship on the landind pad yet. I went to the library, and clicked on it, and it started as if I had come back to the library, playing over the audio already going. I clicked out of the library, and it started the audio again. It was very confusing trying to figure out what was going on. I did a mission, and it did the same thing when I landed again. I'll play with it some more.
Pre2 has it fixed - that's the main reason you released Pre2, isn't it? I never played the campaign in Pre1, and in Pre2 everything at Oxford was fine.
I must really be behind. I have what you told me to call Privateer Remake Development Version.

Anyway, On Masterson 3, I tractored in the Demons.
Here's a "Go Figure."

Just for the simplicity of it, let's say that I'm buds with all factions except the Retros. I take a mission for Masterson, the mission Pirates are friendly with me, while they're attacking my escort ship. They get hostile with me as I pound them, but shouldn't they start the mission hostile the same way the Guilds and Mission Computer missions are?
I got a Drayman at New Detroit, a milspec version. I added an afterburner, but top speed was still only 150, even though it used energy when I engaged it. You'd think it would go a little faster.
Then you shouldn't be able to buy one :)

And the Drayman in the manual story certainly had burners. *GASP* - inconsistency!