

Good God!

This application is totally screwed up!

Where is this stupid file supposed to be placed for it to function properly!?
...You're starting a fan project and you haven't even looked at ripping apart Secret Ops?

Lemme see if I can give you a crash course...

1) Copy the .tre files out of the Secret Ops directory into your project's directory. All of them, yes, ALL of them. Make sure you level the originals there, that way you have a nice back up in case anything goes wrong.
2) Copy the treman.exe file (hopefully you're running the dos version...I think someone made a windows interface but I've never used it) into this same folder (project directory)
3) Start - Run - Type up "command" - Press enter
4) Manuver around you're C:\ using DOS and get to your projects directory. If you don't know how to use Dos I fell very sorry for you. Two helpful commands: "DIR" and "CD" (DIR - Displays folder contents; CD - Change Directory).
5) Now, run treman. It will give you the proper format for putting in the file name and extraction location (IE: treman data.tre C:\project\data\ [That's not it, just an example])
6) That should extract all the files from a given tre into that directory.

Instructions not precise...just a general guide to
There is a nasty general protection faults in creating or opening a tre file.

What is up with this program? :eek: :(
arrrrgghhh!!!!! :mad:

*does a Charile Brown baseball-throw spin*

Man, I type in "treman.exe ueships1.tre", then without the ".exe", then I try "treman anything.tre" with and without the ".exe", and I even tried it with a "cd" and space out front of these (obviously not going to work).
Thank you!


Uuuhhhhmmmmmm... guys, what the thing heck is this "box" thing?

It doesn't have a set speed but it moves and accelerates when collided with--and fired at. It has a laser that doesn't fire, mines that are missiles, and a but load of torps.

It has no shape, size, form, and it doesn't even exist, but I am inside of it.

Is this some sort of practical joke?! :D :D

Well, it made me laugh! :D :D :D
Okay. Why, when I type in my callsign, does it ask for a CIC.rom file?

Oh.... and where can I find that viper cannon?
The box is one of the most important ship objects in UE. Remember mission 2b, with the big battle where capships fire dozens of torpedoes at each other? Well, capships can't fire torpedoes.

If it's asking for a .rom file, it's because it needs one. A .rom file is a room (in this case, the Dauntless CIC room); all missions that consist of more than spaceflight (so, the intro is an exception) must specify which rooms they use. If the game doesn't find a room that it needs for the next mission, it will of course crash.

Gun data is stored in bullet.iff. But you don't need the viper anyway - the Scims in Daniels' squadron onboard the Dauntless are the only Militia ships equipped with vipers at this time.
For your information, I was talking about Secret Ops not UE. I dealt with the problem with a back-up I made before touching the ".tre"s.

When did the capships fire missiles in the ending ciematic?
Uh! tell me that! :)
Invisible box is really a ship without visible mesh to ship.
Previous to shot you enable that transparent ship from Capship fire position.
Calculate the shot position, face object... and shot!