Tom's Fictional Dinner With Origin (August 8, 1999)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
Next Gen pulls their usual stuff in an article making its rounds of the various news sites. It's entitled "My Dinner with Origin" and supposedly investigates Origin's cancellation of the Jane's A-10 Warthog project. They jump around and also mention Wing Commander.
"Let me ask you: what space sims are people still playing? Freespace Descent and that other one, you know, that Star Wars one. Is anyone still playing Wing Commander Prophecy? Nope. Know why? No multiplayer. Those yahoos running the show back then scrapped it to concentrate on the single player game. And guess what? We even put out all new single player missions. For free, for Chrissake! For free! It was like a whole new game, free of charge. And what did everyone do? They shrugged and went back to Parallel Online and that Microsoft Zone thing to fly their little Star Wars planes. Well, we'll see who shrugs when we release a massively multiplayer bombshell like Chris Roberts' Freelancer."
Before you start jumping for joy.. be sure to read the disclaimer at the bottom.
The above was a work of fiction. Any similarity between the character _____ and any _____s, either living or dead, is purely coincidence. Tom Chick's opinions are his own and do not necessarily reflect those of Next Generation Online.

Original update published on August 8, 1999
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