They forget the guns (tech issue)


Veteran Spaceman
I also posted this inquiry on the Saga form, but this site seems to have more forum traffic, so I'll try here as well. Basically, when I go to play the first Hyperion mission when I first get the Excalibur, my fighter has no guns. Obviously, this makes the mission rather unplayable, because once my 12 missiles are out, my only option of attack would be ram other fighters and hope mine is stronger. But has anyone else encountered this issue, and does anyone know how I can go about fixing it? I can provide any necessary system specs, etc., if needed. Thanks, I really do want to get through this game.
Strange indeed. Did you try to clone your pilot already? (You can do that in the pilot screen. After cloning you just select that pilot and try again.) It could help with your issue.
Knowing your OS and whether you play as admin or not could be useful. I doubt it is the case but it could be a problem with rights management maybe.
Tried cloning my pilot, still no guns on my Excalibur. I am running Windows 7 and am the only user on my computer (which I just got a few weeks ago). The game has worked fine until this point and all the other fighters I've flown have had guns. I really hope there's a way to fix this without having to replay every mission until this point.
hmm... maybe the table file is corrupt or something.
Do you have the mission editor on your computer so you can create a custom mission with the Excalibur? I would like to rule out a mission or script error.
If you don't have the editor (or don't know how to use it) you can just download my training mission and choose the Excalibur there. If it works correctly in that mission I may have an idea how to fix it in the campaign missions. If not, then I know another place where we could look for the error.
You can find the simulator mission here:
I loaded up your simulator mission and selected the Excalibur, and this version of the fighter came with guns. However, that didn't fix my problem in the campaign mission. So I'm willing to try any suggestion you might have that would fix the problem - and thanks.
If this is still an issue, I could provide a save game prior to this mission. Thus far we had approx. 5 (give or take) cases in which excalibur had no primary weapons meaning that it is almost impossible to reproduce (and fix) this issue.
If you could, that would be excellent so I could continue the game. Obviously this is a rare issue. On one of the first missions where I could adjust my loadout (on a Thunderbolt), I did click one of the arrows in the gun selection to see if it would do anything, although I can't imagine that would cause an error some 10 missions down the road or whatever. I don't really want to replay the entire game to this point to see if that would fix the issue (and if I didn't, I would have just wasted all that time). I'm sure I'll give the game another go sometime down the road and I'll have that issue in mind, but for now I'd just like to be able to finish the game.
If you could, that would be excellent so I could continue the game. Obviously this is a rare issue. On one of the first missions where I could adjust my loadout (on a Thunderbolt), I did click one of the arrows in the gun selection to see if it would do anything, although I can't imagine that would cause an error some 10 missions down the road or whatever. I don't really want to replay the entire game to this point to see if that would fix the issue (and if I didn't, I would have just wasted all that time). I'm sure I'll give the game another go sometime down the road and I'll have that issue in mind, but for now I'd just like to be able to finish the game.

There you go. I believe campaign progress is saved in the .cs2 files, so renaming one of those to match your profile might do the trick. Make sure you backup your current profile first though.
Thank you. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get around to playing the game this weekend, but I'll let you know how it works out next week. Thanks again.
Got the save game working you sent me. Man, that Excalibur kicks some ass (although it might be hard to switch back to another fighter, I'm picking up bad habits from the auto-aim). If you want, I can send you or someone else in the team my old savegame for analysis if you think that might help in addressing the rare issue of the gunless Excalibur. But either way, thanks.

If you want, I can send you or someone else in the team my old savegame for analysis if you think that might help in addressing the rare issue of the gunless Excalibur. But either way, thanks.

Yes, please. ;-) I am not a WCS team member, but i think i found a solution. After analyzing KalEl's WCS profile at, i found the problem. Then yesterday i wrote a first version of my EPW repair tool and KalEl was able to repair his corrupted WCS profile with the tool and now he have the primary weapons back on Excalibur. :-)

More details you can find here

EPW bug (english WCS forum)
EPW bug (german WCS forum)

@EXRoller and other pilots with defective WCS profile:
Send me your corrupted WCS profile so i have the chance to test my tool with another profile. Leave me a note via PM and i give you my mail address. If i tested my repair tool with some more profiles, i will publish the tool.
I had the same problem on my second playthrough, my solution was to edit the campaign and mission files to make the game ship and weapons free. Allowing you to use any confed fighter and any combination of weapons (with the exception of torpedos, the changes were op enough as it is). I also added a very very small autoaim with convergence to all confed fighters. All in all it worked pretty well. If anyone's interested in a copy let me know. Definately NOT for a first playthrough.