the wcIV hud


i just don't like 'em. its rather bland, with the blue, green, and red. it makes me feel as if i am flying a simulator. i loved the huds in wcone-three, it made the games feel more realistic.
I found the change from Wc3 to wc4 to be a bit odd at first, but after a while I got used to it. I was happy to see cockpits return in WCP and SO however.
it's strange how when you can have a hud you turn it off so you can see more, but it just doesn't feel right if you don't have the choice of using one.

or maybe it was just wc4's crappy colour selection for the linegraphics.
wc3's hud-off looked nicer than wc4's.

the wc3 cockpits added more to the game. it looked more real, if you were actualy in a fighter/bomber etc. the hud in wc4 was getting used too, and i'd loved to see a bit more cockpit in prophecy.

but anyway, it's wing commander so it rules anyway