The price of grain


Is the pricing of commodities supposed to be like the original? It looks like it based on the Privateer Playtester's guide, but some numbers seem a little off, like for grain for example. I bought it for 6.xx and sold for 21.xx. that's a huge profit. for generic food, it looks like the buy price is in line with the range as shown in the guide, but I don't know, I made a lot of money just trading grain. I was wondering how close the economy is with the original.
Grain does sell for quite a bit more than it can be bought for, but the profit per unit is still pretty low.

The prices are taken from a patch for the original game from Simon Smith. I was never happy with the prices in the original; with most commodities it was not possible to make a living as a trader without taking mysteriously high priced missions to deliver things to s specific base. His patch really helped me enjoy the original more, so it is built into the remake.