The Movie in 3D (July 8, 1999)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
Shaggy over at Dan's Wing Commander Movie Site's Chat Board posted this about how the Wing Commander Movie works with 3D Glasses... sounds very cool, I'd test it if I weren't blind in one eye.
Smegmelon is a close friend of mine and he told me about using some 3D glasses on some movies that weren't meant to be 3D. Star Trek Generations and SW Episode one are great examples of films that weren't designed to be 3D but are. Wing Commander is one of the best films to date to show this quality. The best example is the scene when you first see the Kilrathi ConCom ship, while Blair and Angel are hiding in the asteroids. The forward thrust fins of the ship stick out quite well from the screen. Of course the film was designed for these attributes so some times the dimension effects come off looking kind of like the look of a Viewmaster, but in every scene is does create a better defined division between foreground objects and the background. Now what's that you say, you don't have any 3D glasses? That's fine too, just call 1-800-232-0324 and they should be able to hook you up with some of the right kind of glasses, the right lense needs to be light green and the left needs to be dark purple. When you start the movie watch the previews with the glasses on so your eyes have a chance to get used to the glasses, your left eye is supposed to dilate a little but it won't damage your vision. Have fun with it.

Original update published on July 8, 1999
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