The inside layout of a cap ship hanger


Hey all,

I am modelling some high poly hangers for some cutscenes and am stuffed if I can find a deent reference to the layout of a capship interior. For example the Concordia was 800 mtrs long and it hanger went from front to back. From the screen shots I have found this is what I can deduce;
There is a wall section at the start of the hanger, a space filler, then there is a section that is set back and there are some basic fighter bays in there, like garages, do these go all the way along to the other end where there is a 'filler' also? is so how many of these garages are there and what is on the other side of the hanger? I know there is a doorway that leads to the control room but are there garages after that.

What is the height of the hanger and the width for the entry.

Any help would be good as I seem to be missing some pretty key points here. I have the filler modelled and a simple garage, but how many do I need and what actual size should it be.

thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank :)
