Technosaurs: Locked and Loaded (July 20, 2008)

Heres hoping you guys find WC2 SNES ;)

WC3 Saturn would be cool as well, as would anything to do with Strike Commander 2
Hey LOAF, I kinda wondered something while I was reading about this adventure of yours (The entire WCnews staff) Have you guys ever been able to meet all of the staff connected to the original wing commander project?
so... what exactly do you know?

Well, the website which Magwart linked to in his post with the Lost Vale information is mine. ;)

Not only Sheri told me that the people at Origin had almost no ways to make a backup. And their server backups weren't reliable either. Just remember the Ultima VII PC source that they completely lost not long after the game's release due to a lack of a backup.

Maybe some of the artwork was archived and survived the time, but the actual game? Miracles can happen, of course, but I would bet against it.
Not only Sheri told me that the people at Origin had almost no ways to make a backup. And their server backups weren't reliable either. Just remember the Ultima VII PC source that they completely lost not long after the game's release due to a lack of a backup.

I don't think this is true - I saw several Ultima VII (and VIII) project archives backed up on 8mm tapes at Mythic.
I don't know - I've been told the exact same story about a number of things year after year and I've found it not to be true.

When Raylight was brought on to do Wing Commander Prophecy GBA, they were told that the original source code and reference material was all lost. Turns out it was in their archive the whole time.

I was told for years back in the 90s that Origin didn't save their advertising materials and that there was no way to keep track of that kind of promotional stuff... and I'm looking at a hundred CDs of exactly that material right now.

So you never know what we'll find!
Unlikely that those were backups of the final code. The loss of the code was confirmed by Origin, you can ask the Exult team.

that depends on the interpretation of loss...

It could very well meant they don't know where it is, not necesarily that it's lost for good.

just being positive ~~~
Seeing as I'm in the middle of deciphering WC1 files, in order to make whole new campaigns, with briefings and campaign trees (hopefully with a user friendly windows GUI in the end) I will be most interested to see anything from WC1 that might be of help.

Good work you guys.
I believe the guys are still combing through the data. LOAF mentioned to me the other day they have just under a terabyte of data so it's going to take some time.
Sort of unrelated, possibly, but with this stuff about supposedly non-existant items being found, what about UO assets? I mean, as far as I knew, lots of original stuff was lost (I think stuff like, the models for the original sprites, etc) - wouldn't surprise me if it was just on a CD somewhere.

Anyway, I never post "thanks" posts anywhere, but this merits me actually digging up my login details to stop lurking. A really interesting thing here, really looking forward to see what sort of stuff you guys came out of there with.
Seconded on the Ultima Online side :)

Keeping in mind that Ultima Online is still a commercial game in active development and played by over 100,000 people, and it still uses the original client and server code from 1997, so any resources you do find would not only be useful from a nostalgia point of view, but could actually be utilized for the advancement and development of Origin's last remaining commercial product!
Sorry, yeah - I'm up to my ears in obnoxious emails from Ultima fan groups who want source code, so I've been kind of down on this whole project. More than one person I've never met before has sent me an email with an FTP login telling me that I can go ahead and upload source code for them. Urgh.

There's a *lot* of Ultima Online material, but it's going to be harder to clear elements there -- since EA (and Mythic specifically) still uses it to maintain that game. I'm sure there's some cool historical stuff that we won't have any problem getting out soon, though... (like the original tech support handbook for UO for 96-97... I know I scanned that!)

Anyway, I do apologize for not having more out sooner. I'll try and post some more material this weekend.
More than one person I've never met before has sent me an email with an FTP login telling me that I can go ahead and upload source code for them. Urgh.

Make up a zip file of a bunch of nasty somethings (offensive pics, saves of white supremacist website pages, etc) and give that file a plausible-sounding name, then upload it.

Doesn't really do anything in practical terms, but figuratively flipping them off like that does tend to have a cathartic effect, in my experience. :D
Sorry, yeah - I'm up to my ears in obnoxious emails from Ultima fan groups who want source code, so I've been kind of down on this whole project. More than one person I've never met before has sent me an email with an FTP login telling me that I can go ahead and upload source code for them. Urgh.

Speaking of source - do you actually have any, and would EA let you release it if you did?