sys requirements?

you may have some problems in asteroid fields and stuff. (I had some on my old intel pentium 3 rig.) But apart from that you i dont know.
Well, your 3dfx card won't be of much use to you, since Standoff doesn't support 3dfx (of course, you should still be able to get the game to run in D3D mode). Other than that... I believe if you reduce some of the things like capship viewing distance and asteroid viewing distance to a minimum, you should not have trouble running the game.
128Mb RAM would be nice, also... I have an Athlon 1.1GHz with a Geforce 2 and even on the fastest setting I get some slowness in the asteroids missions.
Asteroids will definitely give you trouble, and multiple capships might too. But as Q said, you'll probably do fine in most missions if you run it with reduced detail settings.
Eder, in the asteroids missions, I notice not only slower framerates, but also sometimes (in different computers too) the gun trigger locks up, and it keeps firing by itself for a few seconds...
Yeah, delayed responsiveness issues like that are pretty common when you get *really* low framerates for a while.
It can get much worse however. At a certain point even the comms will go whacky and probable take the game down.
how do i get it to work in win 2k/NT?

just finally got me mitts on the new stnadoff however it does not seem to like my comp much the machine is an old IBM pntium two class and i also have a pentium one comp can ne on help!!!!???
Well, as people have been saying in this thread, the game will have trouble with low-end Pentium 3s. You probably won't be able to get it running well on a Pentium 2.