Standoff - Remake

John Cordell

Downloaded and played Standoff today for a while and i have to say that space combat there is lot more challenging and fun, you hear all the time privateer phrases over your com... a feeling like home.

Here are some impressions:

An impressive confed capship (note: we need a better texture for the paradigm it looks like a wallflower hehe )

Have i said yet that we need a new explosion animation which matches the original privateer explosion sound effect? Standoff's was nice...


You target the enemy and a friendly pilot is talking to you (white) that's what we still have to implement... and the radar colors what a surprise i know what they stand for hehe :)

...i'm not sure but i like the engine animation in standoff and other wc titles more than the one we are using in the remake they are not that big and bright and "overpowered", what do you think? Should it be changed?

Standoff normal flight below afterburner, then Remake centurion normal and below with afterburner:

That's all about my little exploration don't hang me now! :)
Going by the hud graphics and fonts, it looks like Standoff is using a modified Prophecy/Secret Ops graphics engine.
I've heard of another using that engine, Unknown Enemy.