Speculative Kilrathi Flight Control Rendered (March 3, 2015)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
Lars has previewed this interesting scene from a work center overlooking a Kilrathi hangar deck. We get just a few rare glimpses at the inner workings of Kat vessels throughout the series, and they're always cool opportunities to get a look at the really dark and creative design potential that they reveal. Lars has taken advantage of jagged shaped viewscreens and windows to set the mood, and he's got a couple of cool ship renders in the background to better set the atmosphere. I really like that Paktahn wireframe too!

Currently I am trying to figure out what goes where and how the Kilrathi equivalent of a workstation could look like and other Kilrathi stuff. As a reference I am using an image of the Kilrathi DN hangar bay, some WC3 cutscene images and an image I found from Privateer 3 (?) concept art.

It's an very early design and I can already see one or two problems with this.
A) I have just rendered the stuff for Saga back then but don't know how to implement it
B) I can't model people, let alone an Kilrathi. So we would need someone who can help out in that regard.

Original update published on March 3, 2015
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