Something in WC4+WCP that bugged me

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> 1. Why are Blair and Maniac such good
> friends in the movie? They've been long
> time rivals ever since the academy.

This is supposed to be some sort of plot-destroying incontinuity? Come on. Why were Maniac and Blair such good friends in WC4 compared to WC3? Deal with it.

>2. Why is Paladin a Colonel in Secret Ops in
>the movie, when in WC1, he is a major and a
>fighter pilot.

He isn't a Colonel, he's a Commodore.. which is in a different military branch altogether. He went back to flying.. and it'd be rather odd for him to fly as a Colonel, so logically he was downgraded.

>3. Why is Tolwyn not commanding the Tiger's
>Claw, like he should be?

Why should be be commanding the Claw in the movie?

>4. Why do all of the ships (on bothe sides)
>look completely and uterly different?

They don't. What you see in the movie is what they are. If they look different in some other product, they're not the same ships or they've been upgraded over time.

>5. Why does Paladin have a French accent
> rather than a Scotish one?

He's a spy.. gotta be able to get into character.

>6. Why does Angel have a British accent
>rather than a French one?

Why does Captain Picard have a British accent instead of a French one?

> 7. Account for the obvious differences
>between Blair's and Paladin's character
>traits in the movie and games.

Like what?

> 8. Why do the Kilrathi look drastically
>different (slimy skin, hairless)? Were all
>the Kilrathi we saw in the movie standing in
>back of a fighter kicking in it's
>afterburners? Why would they look different?

I hate to be the one to break this to you.. but Kilrathi look different in every single WC product..

>9. Why, my friends, must the movie ships
>always jump through a Quasar or a black
>hole, as apposed to the normal, regular jump
>points of the movies

In the movie they use both regular and special jumps. Special jumps are used in dire situations. There is nothing wrong with this. In the games, novels and other products, they use both regular and special jumps. Special jumps are used in dire situations.

> 10. Where did this Pilgrim stuff come from
>all of a sudden? (this is an easy one to
>dipute, but it's a discrepency nontheless)

It's not a "discrepancy" because you're just hearing about it for the first time.

>11. Why are Blair and Paladin Pilgrims?

Why not?

>(with the Pilgrim hatred demonstrated in the
>movie, I doubt a Pilgrim would be elected as
>the President of the Senate or whatever,
>even after 25 years)

With the Kilrathi hatred demonstrated in the games, I doubt one will ever be allowed to defect to the Confederation, become a pilot, get promoted to colonel, join special forces and eventually be an executive officer aboard a Carrier.

>12. Pilgrims were supposed to have an
>increadible nack for piloting through
>the most trickiest of jump points. Where is
>the need in that with the Game and Novel
>versions of jump points?

There are quite a few.. Long Jumps.. Double Jumps.. why do you think Blair always gets sent out solo to scout in new systems from games ranging from WC2 to WCP.

>13. Why is Chen (Bossman) dead in the movie
>when he is supposed to die in WC1, and the
>movie happens before WC1?

Bossman isn't dead in the movie.. and he doesn't die in WC1..

>14. Why is Maniac such a wild, outgoing, and
>"suave" character in the movie as opposed to
>his character in the games (dork, afraid of
>confrontation face to face, bad with women,
>unable to make friends, etc.)?

Maniac was married twice. But "wild and outgoing" are exactly how I'd describe Maniac in the games. And "suave" isn't how I'd describe him in the movie.

>15. How can Blair and Maniac be rookies on
>the Tiger's Claw in WC1 when they've
>obviously seen much combat.

Two scrambles isn't "much combat."

>16. Why isn't Blair looked up to more in WC1
>for being a hero, or looked down upon for
>being a Pilgrim?

You've answered your own question. They cancel eachother out.

>17. Why is the ship named Tiger Claw in the
>movie and Tiger's Claw in the games? In the
>time it would've taken to build a new
>carrier (Tiger's Claw) Blair would be a
>Veteren and Ace, for it would have taken
>several years.

They're different ways of saying the same ship. Like CSS Lexington and TCS Lexington.

>18. Since when is there an onboard computer
>named MERLIN in the fighters, and why does

Probably since they implemented the Tempest Targeting and Tracking System.

>it talk so human-like? Seems they would have
>implimented something like that in future
>fighters as well.

They did..

> 19. Since when have Confed Cap ships been
>able to actually land on the surface of a

Since the Wing Commander movie.

> 20. Why could Blair's fighter make that
>jump? Jump tech on fighters didn't come
>until MUCH later.


>I'll have more discrepancies soon.

Or you could just look in the Newsgroup archives. All of the above have been explained away months ago and I very much doubt you'll come up with anything I've not seen a dozen times before..
ChrisReid sez in reply to Lonewolf:
> 19. Since when have Confed Cap ships been
>able to actually land on the surface of a

Since the Wing Commander movie.

Earlier than that even, in the publishing schedule of the various WC universe materials. The Tarawa landed on a planetoid to hide from the kats when on a mission to discover the construction yards for the Hakaga supercarriers, in the novel Fleet Action.

SubCrid Death
Official Net.Nazi, LOAF's Merry Guild
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Are you sure the Tarawa landed on the planet? I thought than in End Run, and Fleet Action, she was just flying in the atmosphere.

Anyway, thanks Chris/Death for helping me with this.

Uh excuse me Mr.Cat, sir, but would you mind like ceasing fire for a little while so we can barbecue your god-ugly asses? Todd "Maniac" Marshall Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars
Earthworm...chill man. No need to get all worked up of this. OK??? But I will have to say that it "looked" like the Rapier's gun's were using bullits...

Call me a Pleb, you die!!! Got it fly boy?!?
Well do ya!?! Well punk!?! Because you know maybe, just maybe, when I'm flyin on your auto track could just mistake you for the Roach you that...Ace!?! Sure you do...wouldn't want to get that nice squad jacket all mussed up now would we..?
Erm, I don't care what it looks like. If you don't know what it is don't post about it. In the Confed Handbook it in the specs of the Rapier it's writen that's a Neutron gun, it's also in the novel. But then of course people who don't like the movie, don't buy movie novels and start making stupid posts even though they don't know what they're talking about.

Uh excuse me Mr.Cat, sir, but would you mind like ceasing fire for a little while so we can barbecue your god-ugly asses? Todd "Maniac" Marshall Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars
Finaly I have time to explain this from my stupid keyboarding class. And it didn't take me more than five minutes.

>Alright, fine. I would like to see each and every one of these descrepencies explained.<

>1. Why are Blair and Maniac such good friends in the movie? They've been long time rivals ever since
the academy.<

And they were always friends, and they weren't realy rivals in WC1 either. Next one.

>2. Why is Paladin a Colonel in Secret Ops in the movie, when in WC1, he is a major and a fighter

Ever heard of people being reasigned? He was in intel, than got to be a pilot for 2 more years
and went back to intel, after he suposedly retired. As to being a comodore, people with such high
ranks don't usualy get to fly fighters, so he was made a major. Maybe even at his own request.

>3. Why is Tolwyn not commanding the Tiger's Claw, like he should be?<

Now this is a stupid one. Why should he? He was commanding the Claw for a brief period of time when Blair
and Maniac were still in the Academy, and they were asigned to the Claw to finish their training. He wasn't
comanding the Claw in WC1 why should he comand the Claw few weeks before that.

>4. Why do all of the ships (on bothe sides) look completely and uterly different? Did confed and the
Kilrathi both stop fighting and completely rebuild their fleets with completely different styles, ships,
and names? I doubt it.<

Does Flalthi II from WC3 and Prophecy look like the Fralthi from WC1? NO!!! Different classes of ships,
I already explained to you about the Rapier. Next one.

>5. Why does Paladin have a French accent rather than a Scotish one?<

He's a spy, in some of the novels it was said that his acent was implied, and when he was talking about
something important, his acent always disapeard. And it doesen't realy matter anyhow.

>6. Why does Angel have a British accent rather than a French one?<

Same as Palladin, it doesen't realy matter. And she's Belgian, not French.

>7. Account for the obvious differences between Blair's and Paladin's character traits in the movie and

What? They are the same characters. Please Explain

>8. Why do the Kilrathi look drastically different (slimy skin, hairless)? Were all the Kilrathi we saw in
the movie standing in back of a fighter kicking in it's afterburners? Are they just a different kind of
Kilrathi? Why would they look different?<

Said this hundreds of times. The Kilrathi look different in every game we see them. Next.

>9. Why, my friends, must the movie ships always jump through a Quasar or a black hole, as
apposed to the normal, regular jump points of the movies (ALL jumps are in space, far away from
spacial abnormalities, and the ones that are near them are off limits for being too unstable)?<

Because the special jumps allow them to travel faster between systems. Normal jumps are used
in the movie novels.

>10. Where did this Pilgrim, stuff come from all of a sudden? (this is an easy one to dipute, but it's a
discrepency nontheless)<

We never heard of it. Doesen't mean there were no Pilgrims. Next.

>11. Why are Blair and Paladin Pilgrims? (with the Pilgrim hatred demonstrated in the movie, I doubt a
Pilgrim would be elected as the President of the Senate or whatever, even after 25 years)<

Because it adds depth to their characters. And why would the man that devised the whole T-bomb project
be hated by the confederation. Besides that is almost 20 years after the movie.

>12. Pilgrims were supposed to have an increadible nack for piloting through the most trickiest of jump
points. Where is the need in that with the Game and Novel versions of jump points?<

No need for that because they have the NavCom computers.

>13. Why is Chen (Bossman) dead in the movie when he is supposed to die in WC1, and the movie
happens before WC1?<

He's presumed dead.

>14. Why is Maniac such a wild, outgoing, and "suave" character in the movie as opposed to his
character in the games (dork, afraid of confrontation face to face, bad with women, unable to make
friends, etc.)?<

Maniac was maried twice, so he wasn't so bad with women. And in WC1, and WC2 he wasn't a dork,
afraid of confrontation. He wasn't a dork in other games either.

>15. How can Blair and Maniac be rookies on the Tiger's Claw in WC1 when they've obviously seen
much combat.<

Yes two missions or so that they flew in the WCM or few more that they flew in the movie novels
make them veterans.

>16. Why isn't Blair looked up to more in WC1 for being a hero, or looked down upon for being a

You aswered your own question, Blair is respected by the crew, but they don't realy like him yet.

>17. Why is the ship named Tiger Claw in the movie and Tiger's Claw in the games? In the time it
would've taken to build a new carrier (Tiger's Claw) Blair would be a Veteren and Ace, for it would
have taken several years.<

It's the same ship, deal with it. And building a carrier doesen't take several years.

>18. Since when is there an onboard computer named MERLIN in the fighters, and why does it talk so
human-like? Seems they would have implimented something like that in future fighters as well.<

Did you play other games where if you lost a mission the computer told you "Mission acomplished"
wasn't that a computer talking? In Privateer 2 the computer talked also a lot more. And Merlin isn't
a computer from a fighter, he's Blairs personal assistant.

>19. Since when have Confed Cap ships been able to actually land on the surface of a planatoid?<

Is it ever said they can't? There were many times where a capship goes into planets atmosphere.
I'm not sure if they ever landed, but it's never said they can't land on a planet.

>20. Why could Blair's fighter make that jump? Jump tech on fighters didn't come until MUCH later.
And if the fighter didn't have a Nav Comp, then why did it have Jump drives (Blair engaged them on
his fighter to go through the quantum singularity)?<

Um, who says there weren't jump capable fighters earlier than WC2? Both the Rapier and the Broadswoard
in the movie can make a jump. Of course they have their own NavCom AI, it's also said many times in the
movie that when jumping through special jump points the computer malfunctions. That's why Blair has to
plot a course himself when he jumps first in the Diligent, and than in his Rapier. Both jumps were made
through special jump points (Quasars, Pulsars)

>Those are all I could think of, right now, but I know there are more. I'd like REAL explanations, not
just speculation. It's late, and I'm tired. I'll have more discrepancies soon.<

Oh I can't wait for more. Just like with these ones I'll prove that you don't know absoultly anything
about WC universe.

Uh excuse me Mr.Cat, sir, but would you mind like ceasing fire for a little while so we can barbecue your god-ugly asses? Todd "Maniac" Marshall Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited January 18, 2000).]
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OK, nice job disputing those. Except that most of the explanations were mere speculation, and the explanations given were all pretty bad. They did not directly explain the discrepancies. I'd like to see a quote or something from Chris Roberts sating that the movie and the rest of the WC stuff are supposed to be a part of the same story, rather than one a varioation of the other. Even if he did intend for it to be, I'd have to say that it was a pretty bad chapter in the WC line, only because it was obviously altered severely in order to appeal and appease a wider audience. In altering it, he made it less convincing for those of us who don't "judge a book by it's cover" In this case the name "Wing Commander" being slapped on the movie. Anyway, I am really getting tired of this, so I'm gonna stop now. I KNOW I'm right, by the way.
LoneWolf sez:
>I KNOW I'm right, by the way.

Except your not, as has been pointed out already.

Dismissing the explanations as "ah, that's just guesswork" doesn't change things.

But then, according to the quoted text you're the Ghod of all things WC, so I guess we should start worshiping you. </sarcasm>

SubCrid Death
Official Net.Nazi, LOAF's Merry Guild
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Yes LoneWolf you're right NOT! You are so full of it you know. ALL of those answers are GOOD, and aren't speculations please tell me which ones are bad. Are you going to tell us or will you finaly give up? Many times we proved you're wrong, but you have to stay with that because of your stupid pride, and you can't admit you're wrong. And WC Movie was a great chaptet in the WC series. If you don't like it why the hell do you even post on a WC BB? Most of us here aren't just fans of the games, we're fans of the whole damn universe and we hapen to like the movie. We like the movie because of what's inside it not because it has a WC name on it.

>I KNOW I'm right, by the way.<

BULLCRAP. You came here two days ago and started biching how the movie is bad and doesen't belong to the WC universe like you're some kind of expert. I hope you go away from this board. And in the words which Death used to Gunner. FOAD!!!

FOAD= Fuck Off And Die.

Uh excuse me Mr.Cat, sir, but would you mind like ceasing fire for a little while so we can barbecue your god-ugly asses? Todd "Maniac" Marshall Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars
In order to head off the bitching, and stretch my already drained Tylenol bottle, this thread is now closed.

SubCrid Death
Official Net.Nazi, LOAF's Merry Guild
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