Silhouettes and Generic WC Counters

Had some appreciable if limited success today attempting to remove the grid from behind the ship images. Basically, I altered my procedure to change the color channels to a nice, deep red; made the ship pop out from the grid. I could then use the contrast controls to remove the grid (or at least reduce it significantly) and from there go on with the usual de-saturation, edge detection and threshold adjustments. Special Ops (which has a blue grid) has proven to be easier to work with than Standoff's ship viewer (in green), but I've had successes and failures with both.

Upshot of today's work is that I was able to get a better Murphy silhouette as well as that of the Hades, Plunkett, Copernicus and Twilight Purchase.

And a couple more...


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Had a notion today to do a "squadron patch" sheet set, with the idea of being able to use the patch tokens to assign ships to specific players within a game (say, if they were piloting a Sabre, a Ferret and a Grikath on the same team in a game) without requiring those craft to all be "painted" the same color. I even know where I can get the images: WC-CCG. Think the CCG folks would get hacked off if I wantonly stole bits off their cards?

Been also thinking about the rules for a pnp version of Armada. Kinda hung up on combat and how to assign combat ratings to the Armada ships.

Finished cutting out my Starflight set today. Could've done better, methinks. On the other hand, the set consists of five sheets......
Ouch, at first glance the aspect ratio for length to width on some of those is terrible. How can the thumbnail look so horrible, while the actual pictures look perfect. Just crazy.

Anyway, these are definitely well done. I love the Plunkett btw. Very sharp image.
Ouch, at first glance the aspect ratio for length to width on some of those is terrible. How can the thumbnail look so horrible, while the actual pictures look perfect. Just crazy.

Anyway, these are definitely well done. I love the Plunkett btw. Very sharp image.

Thanks, I'm glad you like them. Haven't tried to do any more lately; might give it another go this morning.
Okay, I've finished making changes to the Prophecy sheet and I'm ready to release the final version. The updated version drops the notion of the "black" version of the fighters, which I needed to do in order to make room for the new models. I've also cut back on the number of Skates and Skate clusters to make room for the Stingrays, and I've updated some of the silhouettes as needed from the old VDU images to the new ones based on the models. I didn't update the image for all craft, just the ones that really needed it.

Got started on the squadron patch idea tonight. Good idea, but I'm not sure it'll work when everything is said and done. I'll keep y'all informed.

Anyway, share and enjoy. Hopefully this will be the last word on the Prophecy sheet.


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Always something, isn't it? I left the grid in the foreground of the Prophecy's the third (and now hopefully final) draft.


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Squadron emblems are a go...just a matter of figuring out a procedure. Here's what I've got so far. Big trick now is going to determine how many to fit on a page...there are 104 fighter cards - and therefore 104 emblems - in the CCG. I'm thinking a two- or three-pager...


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Well, for a project I wasn't confident wasn't even going to get off the ground at 6:30 this morning, that went fast. ;)

I have completed the squadron emblem sheet set (I started gathering up the art assets just this morning). The set consists of two sheets, one for Confederation emblems and the other for Kilrathi emblems (with one carry-over from the Confederation page). There are five copies of all Confederation emblems and four of all Kilrathi emblems; considering there are 47 unique Confederation emblems and 57 unique Kilrathi emblems...well, this enables 104-player games (of which I'm pretty sure none exist). If someone needs more tokens for their own use, they can simply prepare multiple copies of the sheet (or just use more than one squadron emblem). Even if you're not interested in pnp games, this is a collection of one of the more unique portions of the CCG; I'm not sure if it's ever been gathered together in one place like this. Debating as to whether or not I want to post up the entire emblem set or not as a separate set of downloads...

Well, drat. Looks like I'll have to post the individual emblems...the sheets are too big for me to post, even if I compress them. I'll have to come up with a workaround. Well, darn it...I was hoping to make the front page again......
So here's my workaround: I've created a page for my counter sheets at the WCRPG wiki (the specific page is at Seemed to make sense, since WCRPG and WCTB are two games that could make use of the counter sets. There's not a lot of content or formatting on the page right now, but I hope to be able to work on it here in a couple of hours. Meantime, since the sheets are up at the wiki, I can post them up here.


Hey all,

While I was working up miscellaneous tokens today, I decided to go ahead and throw together another logo sheet. This one's for the Black Lance and the Union of Border Worlds. The Lance uses their traditional lightning insignia, while for the UBW I used the shoulder patch as seen in WC4. Same intent here as for the original Confederation/Kilrathi logo sheet, which is to say they can be used for whatever they are needed for.

Share and enjoy.


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Evening, all.

Was taking a few minutes to do a quick recap of where I was sitting as on my counters. I think the only thing I haven't done that I have mentioned doing is the Standoff sheet. Still haven't got a good way around the grid for Standoff. Got to ask if it would be possible to look at the Standoff ships in the SO viewer...or, just maybe, change the Standoff ship viewer from green to blue (got a good working procedure there for removing the grid; employed it on the revised Prophecy sheet.)

Thinking about redoing the tactical Armada sheet, so that its contents will complement the strategic sheet. Basically, that'll just involve changing the numbering on the craft...other than that I'm pretty well caught up on what I was thinking about doing with the sheets.

Finished cutting up the Confed/Kilrathi logo harcopy today, and got started on the Armada strategic sheet hardcopy; it's in strips this evening, with the mine and shipyard tokens fully completed. I've been working on some ideas for a pnp version of Armada (I've got the token sheets, so why not), and am about ready to start formally writing the rules. That'll probably be worthy of a new thread when it's ready to discuss. Notes and such are up on the WCRPG wiki.
As I mentioned in my previous post, I decided to re-do the initial Armada sheet; this one is now the "Tactical" sheet. Basically, all I did was renumber the ships. This will allow the sheet to augment the "Strategic" Armada sheet (the one with the various bases on it instead of ordnance) by allowing there to be more copies of the various craft in a given game. Made some serious progress today on the pnp Armada rules as well, though those aren't quite ready for a community critique or discussion just yet.


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Found a typo in the Armada Strategic sheet last night, and probably in the worst possible way...I was chopping up some Shoklars, when I noticed that I for some reason had two "Sh 1" tokens. Turns out I'd missed editing the twelfth Shoklar token (Sh C) and never corrected its number designator. So, my apologies to anybody else out there who's gotten at least as far as the printing stage on the Armada Strategic sheet. Here's a corrected version; I'll be sure to get this version up at the WCRPG wiki as soon as I can.

BTW, as I posted yesterday, I've completed the first draft rules to the Armada pnp game mentioned in my previous post; they are also up at the WCRPG wiki. Definitely could use some critiquing and a playtest at this point (hence my cutting up the Armada Strategic sheet, hence finding the typo...).


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Finally found a combination in GIMP that would take the grid away from the background of the Standoff models. That's the good news...bad news is that I'm at my in-laws, and I'm not sure if their 'net connection is fast enough to allow a download of both the game and the viewer. I did have a few of the pictures already; here are the silhouettes. Might still be able to do the Standoff sheet pretty soon...


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Well, that's that. The Standoff sheet is finished.

I decided to take the route where people could recreate any single mission from Standoff in pnp (perhaps using TacOps rules; it wouldn't require much rules tweaking at all - torpedo rules, maybe). That, of course, required the availability of a metric tonne of some Kilrathi craft, which in turn ultimately led to the decision to A) make this a two-sheet set, and B) make it dependent upon the ordnance sheet. I also went ahead and used silhouettes created from the in-game models, made possible thanks to Quarto's most excellent ship viewer modification (only exception to this is the Shoklar, which I only realized was missing last night; I wanted to get this done, however, so I just went with the Armada model). It's interesting to compare the silhouettes from this set to their originals, personally. Of course, this set includes the unique craft whose only appearance has been in Standoff, the reason why I created the set in the first place.

So, contents. 6 copies of all of the Confederation fighter craft in the game, (with twelve copies of Rapier-II/Gs and Broadswords), 4 copies of all Confederation capital ships in the game (with the civilian Artemis and Errant-classes included in this count; only two Confederation-class ships are in) and fourteen Hermes-class assault shuttles. Pirate craft include thirteen Tarsus-class Transports, twenty Talons and six Sabres. Kilrathi class include twenty-six Sarthas, Krants, and Drakhris, thirteen copies of most of the other Kilrathi fighters in the game (the Gothri and Grikath only have twelve, the Vatari and Shoklars only have six, and there are only two Bloodfangs), thirteen Dorkathis, six copies of each of the lighter Kilrathi capital ships (the Rigakh has six copies), and four copies of each of the Kilrathi cruiser and carrier classes (including four Hakaga-class counters).

I'm not sure if there are sufficient craft there to cover every mission, but there should be sufficient craft there to cover most. I will replace the Shoklar silhouettes if I can at some future point. And of course, if there are any mistakes or missing craft, I'd like y'all to tell me about it. These are the last set of counters I intend to do right now; if anybody has anything else they'd like to see or sets they'd like for me to build, go ahead and ask. I've enjoyed doing this; don't know what I'll do with my time now that I'm done. Maybe work on that silhouette comparison...probably finish up WCRPG...

I've been trying to upload the pictures to the forums for several h0urs now, with no success. Likely this is due to my in-laws connection (though I don't discount problems with the boards); I'll just add these up here like I did the squadron emblem sheets. So without further ado, here are the Standoff sheets. Share and enjoy.


Well, drat. Looks like I'll have to post the individual emblems...the sheets are too big for me to post, even if I compress them. I'll have to come up with a workaround. Well, darn it...I was hoping to make the front page again......

Don't forget that there's a "report news" button on the front page. :) You can email us files or links to files, and then there's also less chance something posted to the forums could fall through the cracks and get missed.
Don't forget that there's a "report news" button on the front page. :) You can email us files or links to files, and then there's also less chance something posted to the forums could fall through the cracks and get missed.

Thanks. I'll have to remember that in the future.

Spent most of the Christmas holiday cutting out the sheets I had prepped to go; I'll have to post pics when I have some ready.