Screenshots Release Thread


Maybe I'm wrong, but were have you logged yourself in ? In the Main-Page, or
the forum-subpage ?

I ask this, because I can log in in the forums with my account, but not on the hlp-login
on the main-page, I doesn't know my username there.

Change to the forum page, and then log in. May be worth a try.
Starman© said:

Maybe I'm wrong, but were have you logged yourself in ? In the Main-Page, or
the forum-subpage ?

I ask this, because I can log in in the forums with my account, but not on the hlp-login
on the main-page, I doesn't know my username there.

Change to the forum page, and then log in. May be worth a try.

That looks a lot more like a browser configuration problem than anything else... Do you have cookies enabled and everything? I couldn't find anything wrong with your account.

Install the free browser Mozilla.

Regards Tolwyn

One of the new warships introduced after the Battle of Earth in 2669, the Kilrathi Corvette became a force to be reckoned. Its turrets insured any fighter craft challenging it damage, and its heavy armor and shielding were proof against even the savage onslaught of the Confederation Thunderbolt VII. The Corvette was an able capship killer, and, when used in conjunction with other larger ships, was capable of destroying whole battle groups.


Looks good, but the "wings" seem thinner than those on the WC3 corvette (which I'm assuming is what this is a representation of). Also, the middle segments seem spaced out much farther between the "wings" then the original. Can't decide if I like these changes better or not ;).
BTW (if this is a WC3-type corvette), where do we learn the actual class name?

We don't. The Unknown Enemy crew actually bestowed it the "Kamari-class" name. The WC Saga guys are merely honoring that, and didn't want to thread on their toes.
Its more based on the WCP Corvette then the WC3 one. I think it will be used for both the WC3+4 timeline and the WCP one.
(Note: Other WCP will never appear in WC:S..cause of our Admiral)

We made the decision to use this one, cause it looks quite better and still looks so familiar to the WC3 version that we thought that it wouldn't be a problem if we use this one.

(Tolwyn correct me if I am wrong with anything above)
Who of you will make the shine-mapping guys ?

I have made texture-changes here, I will have to upload the new version first,
otherwise you will have to do double work here.
The WCP style corvette always seemed too much like a capship to me. It seemed much larger than the WC3 corvette (maybe because every part seemed elongated), which would make sense for Prophecy era Cats (assuming that they were still restricted by Confed to so many/such a size capital ships you would want your corvette to take on roles of a much more powerful capital ship).

Also, maybe subconsciously this fact is what was bothering me the most, I just noticed your design is backwards. Looking from the top-front the order from left to right (from both WC3 and P) is small "wing", engine, command deck, then large "wing" :). Or was this done on purpose?

Really? The WCP corvette looked exactly like the WC3 corvette to me.

I'm not saying they are the same ship, just that there was no remarkable visual difference. Hey, we had stranger things to look at on WCP. The Kilrathi were using whatever was left from the war.
Tolwyn said:
Hey, thanks for going along with our name :). Just one little nitpick - it's actually Kamrani, not Kamari.

(I can't wait to see this one with all the fancy shinemapping and such that you guys do - this is one of my favourite WC3 capships :))
I think the WCP-Corvette was just a graphical-enhancement (and a very good one
IMO). It still has 5 Turrets (4x Laser, 1x Tachyon), and our model is also 110 meters
long as said in the database for the WC3-counterpart.

The wings are much thinner than the WC3 ones, this will give it a different
The WCP corvette just didn't strike me as being as hostile looking as the WC3 variant. The much thinner . . . well, everything about it just made it appear flimsier to me. The big, bulky WC3 Corvette actually looked like it had the extra armor, the space to store all the shield generators, and the inner storage for the torpedoes that distinguished it from a fighter. The WCP just looked weak to me.

Then it shot me and I watched my shields all but fail under just a few salvos and wondered immediately where on that skinny little frame was it making all that power :).

The WCP version realy looks much thiner then the WC3 counterpart, but as Starman mentioned...the WCP Corvette is just en graphical enhanced version of the WC3 version. So in fact both WC3 + WCP Corvettes are exaclty the same..from a technical view. That Origin made them thiner is there choise.
I think we will keep the thiner looking one, cause it dosn't look so blocky.
About the technical they get all the engines, weapons in it...well I will put it as Psych ones told me..."That is not our decision to make" (not exact words)
...and you know what Psych do when you speak against him.

Beside the ship realy flipped? Psych isn't it your job to keep an eye on sutch things?

@Starman: The model is realy flipped...just got to the technical database...well seams as if we have some work to do.

We are realy sorry for the wrong turn of the ship...we will correct that problem as soon as we can.
The model is flipped ? Didn't notice that.

Well, If so, then it is only one mouseclick to correct it. I will also have
to do some more corrections on the wings, because they display
the known z-buffer-problem a little to much.

@Viper : I can assure you, that ingame the ship is as dangerous
as ever, you shouldn't under-estimate it. ;)
Starman© said:
Who of you will make the shine-mapping guys ?

I have made texture-changes here, I will have to upload the new version first,
otherwise you will have to do double work here.

I think this task is appointed to me and if I not do it noone will in the near future :D
Since Starman will first correct the model you should have some more time to do other work (think you told me that you have quite some work with reallife didn't you?)

Didn't noticed it also till someone here told me (thanks to that person, with your help we can correct a mistake we made and hopefully make a better, correct model)
These dont seem to be the same ship... wing shapes different, everything MUCH thicker in WC3, the WCP version while thinner seems to be a bit tougher in the shields and weaker elsewhere, and the connections in the WC3 variant seem to be all along a straight line, as opposed to the blatant nonalignment in WCP. That aside, what are the differences (aside from the horizontal flip) between this model and the WCP model?