Reply to this message with new WC ideas

Dragon: The only new Confed fighters in WC3 are the Thud VII & the Excal. All the rest are old.

Chip: There will not be any demos showcasing your ideas because OSI is concentrating on Ultima.

"I'm totally powered down, I'll appear as an asteroid on enemy rada"
OK I'm probably a little out of my depth here, but radar doesn't depend on how much energy you're emitting. It sends waves out that bounce off solid objects & return to the radar. If you turn off your power that shouldn't affect radar. What you'd really be doing is shielding yourself from passive sensors.

As for your attitudes - All military forces have a beat up blow up attitude. That explains all the weapons, missiles & shields. The BL definitely did care about what they're doing. And the only thing that makes the UBW's fighters strange is the alternate weapons, which aren't all that odd.
Funny I always belive that Arrows were newer because of the autoslide.
And no new demos like I said before Origin have stop all projects except Ultima online 2, Stupid is it not? since UO sold a lot because it was a new type of game at the time, now I have seen 10 online games just as complex(if not more, a few of them are very complex) and that will cut UO 2 sells. Why origin is not even thinking about a new WC game, this forum is still active and WC P SO was a long time ago. clearly there is still a big market for the WC series.
Originally posted by Dragon
Funny I always belive that Arrows were newer because of the autoslide.
Why? Just because we don't see something before, doesn't mean it has to be new...
Why origin is not even thinking about a new WC game, this forum is still active and WC P SO was a long time ago. clearly there is still a big market for the WC series.
Big market? Space sims have been selling horribly the last few years. If you think about it, Prophecy was probably the last space sim that sold well.

And now because of this "big" market we have games like Starlancer winning sim of the year awords...
Well starlancer was not that bad(expect the story line, that was realy a stupid one) and the engine was good.
Besides I ,like you right, WC universe and to see that going to end...
RPG were also Crapy games until Bioware made Baldur´s Gate.
Starlancer was probably the best non-WC sim I've seen (with Tachyon close second, and best privateer-like game) but it still couldn't compare with WC. It's story was a joke when compared to WC, even to Prophecy, the engine was great, but the mission design was problematic and unbalanced.

Also, don't forget Diablo. While not really an RPG it did provide a great boost to that genre. Mostly it's extremly simple, yet fun, multiplayer.
Penguin wrote: OK I'm probably a little out of my depth here, but radar doesn't depend on how much energy you're emitting. It sends waves out that bounce off solid objects & return to the radar. If you turn off your power that shouldn't affect radar. What you'd really be doing is shielding yourself from passive sensors.

CB: That's exactly what I mean -- I would only appear to an enemy craft as just an asteroid on radar.

Penguin wrote: As for your attitudes - All military forces have a beat up blow up attitude. That explains all the weapons, missiles & shields. The BL definitely did care about what they're doing. And the only thing that makes the UBW's fighters strange is the alternate weapons, which aren't all that odd.

CB: Not necessarily, U.S. Marines do have access to nonlethal equipment designed to immobilize personnel. Former U.S. Amry Captain David Morehouse I believe wrote a book called Nonlethal Weapons: War Without Death.
Chip: Chip you're funny & I mean it :p War without death. Non-lethal weapons. Wars involve death. Wars involve weapons that inflict death. That's what armies are for. That's why we have bombs & missiles with explosive warheads. Have you noticed that WC is about the Terran Kilrathi WAR? They were trying to kill each other. If they weren't then it would've been called the Terran Kilrathi Game.
RE: To Penguin's message below

Penguin, I guess it depends on what definition a person uses to define "war". My Encyclopedia defines a war when groups try to destroy or conquer each other. If a group conquers another group but does not kill that other group, that group waged war against that other group. Hence, there can be nonlethal wars.
Non letal wars, I see a kilrathi cruiser going after me, I am in a Cruiser also, do I use.
a)hard langualge
b)all the weapons I can fire on then.
c)the non letal that takes 20 hours to scap the paint of the ship weapons.
the anser is a) that will scare the cats of my tail...NOT.
I tried to disabe the lexington in WC IV, I could not do that, same as many Confed and Union fighters, I ran out of missiles.
No letal wars is what politicians would like but this is real live , some one is going to die, the only question is, who.we just make sure that we are not.
Dragon: It is possible to disable the Lexington. You have to hit it enough times with leech weapons. If you succeed then you see a cutscene of the Lexington floating without power.
DAMN, I would like that but killing the comm oficer of the lexington was something I could not pass on.
My 2 CD is damaged so I can see that.
The cutscene is exactly the same as the one where you destroy the Lex. Except that instead the Lex is intact with blinking lights. Then the shuttle with Seether & Paulsen flies by. To be perfectly honest the oddest thing about this scene is that there is a destroyed Hellcat. The Hellcat is in pristine condition except that it has been sawed neatly in half. The cut is smooth, not jagged. I have no idea what would've caused that.
funny in the WCIII cutscene were Cobra see Hobbes for the first time Blair Head is cut in half, well in my copy it is.
Perhaps confed only had money to put half hellcats in the Lexington. it is just a mistake that was made.
The non lethal discussion

Chip: Can you give an example of a race conquering another race and nobody on either side getting hurt?

Since we consider WC to be realistic, the answer to your question would be yes -- my group against the Black Lancers (my ordinary humans against the GE race of humans). I went through that entire game and conqured the GEs with leech equipment. I could've then finished them off with lasers but I didn't. Any craft that could've been leeched in the game, I leeched it.
In some missions, you were required to kill in order to complete the mission. Thus, some people got hurt. Furthermore, Blair didn't conquer anyone - he merely exposed the plot. We don't really know what happened with the Black Lance after WC4 - it could be that most of them decided to put up a fight, and a lot of people got hurt.
"Perhaps confed only had money to put half hellcats in the Lexington."
Nah, if there's a cheap fighter, it'd likely be a 'cat. It's one of three things...The ship was underrepair/reconstruction in the hangar bay. Might have been the Hellcat wasn't tied down and was blown out of the hangar when Lex expanded into sparkling shards-the wing may have been sheared off when the ship hit the hangar edge. Or Seether, the knife fighter carved up the tissue paper armor and with his genetically-enhanced strength whipped the wing into space like a Flash Pak and pushed the piece of junk fighter off the deck.:)

Naturally, with how I feel about the Hellcat...I opt for the later.;)

[Edited by Death's Head on 01-17-2001 at 21:38]
WC game based on WCATV

I think that the next WC game should be based on the WCATV series. And in the WC game, it should be multiplayer (at least 5 people can play -- I know the SNES enables 5 to play on it at once). Also, this game should be made so that it is more of a wing commander game, not 1 or 2 or 3 fighter commander game, i.e., there should be about 150 fighters at about the 8th or 9th episode. I also think that the players should be allowed to take better control of the game, like they get to decide where the Tiger's Claw and Trafalgar fights, as well as the fighters.