Privateer 2 Disc 2 error



Hi guys,

I'm wondering if you can help a fellow gamer out. I've recently just gone back to try to play Privateer 2 on my computer.

I have the original DOS version and followed the steps to get it to play on Windows, including downloading the patch and burning a new copy of Disc 1.

Everything works fine in the beginning, I bought a ship and flew from Hermes to Crius with no problems. Its only when I try to take off from Crius that the game gets messed up. Another window pops up and I'm brought back to Windows, but I can't see the new window box except for the icon on the bottom taskbar. I try clicking on it but nothing happens and main game window freezes up.

From what I gather reading various forums, this is when the prompt for Disc 2 is given. I went to Regedit and the dark.cfg file and they are game is saved on the C: drive and the E: drive is the CD rom. I tried switching discs and just pressing enter or space, hoping that the prompt is there, even though I can't see it.

Any suggestions? This is a really bad tease, after getting stoked at finally getting the game to run. I'd appreciate any help anyone can offer.

Thanks guys.
Are you sure it's the disc 2 prompt? I don't think the game ever prompts you to switch discs at takeoff. I'd recommend trying the tips in regards to adjusting the sound and video card acceleration and directx settings. You're playing in Windows 95 compatibility mode, right?