Priv/RF Questions:


I have two questions about our hero from P/RF. I forget
his name, so I'll just use "Brownhair".

1. At the end of RF, Brownhair is given a choice -- to
fink out a source to Confed, which will allow them to
crush a dangerous enemy, or to keep quiet, in which case
said enemy would disable their most dangerous weapons
and take him off their hit list.

I'm just curious .. which did he do, canonically? If no
source, what do you *think* he did, and why?

2. What do you suppose happened to our hero? Did he
become a wealthy trader, and become a tycoon? Did he
flee to another sector to avoid the heat from various
sources (Retros, Pirates, others)? Did he go back to
work for the exploratory service, and map more systems?
Did he take that Confed commission (in intelligence, I hope
-- I can see him as a "Bonnie Heather" type trader, but
have a hard time visualizing him on a carrier)? Or did
he get back his Steltek gun and institute a Reign of Terror
throughout Gemini?

Thoughts welcome.


Brian P.
Well, I hope that he is still a Privateer, ConFed=Bad Pay+Stupid risks, besides Admiral Terrell is a good guy, I dont see him draft "brown hair" to ConFed military, he is of more use to him as a privateer.
The Church of Man fate? by the looks of the map on WC P, ConFed knows about Eden and I dont belive that they are still around after the death of their leader.
If "brown hair" give the info to ConFed, I dont know? I would not, after all that they are in pieces and are not the treat the were before, I would not give the info since that would keep the Church of Man out of my back since if they try anything funny, I would just go to Perry Naval base and have a chat with my friend Admiral Terrell about Eden location over a nice cup of tea.
And "brown hair" in the "spoken" version is simply called "privateer" so he does not have a name.
For our Privateer's name, I think I remember what fiction you're talking about, but I also remember the writer of he fiction narrating the introduction, and mentioning he/she changed the names of the people to protect their identities.

I don't recall our Privateer directly giving Admiral Terrell the location of Eden, but if it were me, I'd do one of two things.

1) Enroute, I'd make sure that confed had a good fix on my flight path.
2) I can conveniently turn my back to go to my appointment with the Admiral to report mission outcome, and let confed tech personnel swarm over my flight recorder and mission log.

"I didn't see anything, nobody saw it, can't prove anything....." - Bart Simpson. :p

Also, in the latest system maps, I see they failed to record that backdoor jump tunnel between Eden and Midgard systems.
No... that piece of fiction had our privateer named Christiansen. The document I'm talking about is not a piece of fiction - it's a preview from Origin, from way back before Priv was released. Naturally, a lot of things in the preview are different compared to the final product, but since the document happens to be the only source that gives our privateer a name, we have to go with Grayson Burrows.
Even had the names not been changed, Mack Christiansen was his *maternal* grandfathers name...
Hey I never made that connection, maybe in 668 years her great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great nephew will be our favorite privateer. I say nephew becuase traditionally the children take their father's name unless the father is unknow or is gone
Originally posted by Roach
Also, in the latest system maps, I see they failed to record that backdoor jump tunnel between Eden and Midgard systems.

Ah, wasn't it the next system over? Rikel? I'm sure it's that cos that place is full of asteroids.
Silent Warrior: IIRC I said Traditionally, and if I didn't I shall say so now. Traditionally in western culture the paternal name is taken by the children becuase the mother has in most instances taken the father's name because of traditional martial customs
Actually, I don't think the manual ever mentioned the privateer's name. There was that interview part in the Gemini sector magazine, but all names were changed to prevent the article to become a vehicle of promoting the privateer.

Or something...
Originally posted by Wedge009
Ah, wasn't it the next system over? Rikel? I'm sure it's that cos that place is full of asteroids. [/B]

I checked the map after emerging from the jump tunnel, and it sure looked like Midgard was indicated....lots'a rock in that neighborhood too.
Originally posted by Roach:
. . . it sure looked like Midgard was indicated....lots'a rock in that neighborhood too.

No, it's Rikel. The jump point is in an asteroid field between Nav 4 (Vishnu mining base) and Nav 5 (jump to 44-P-1M).
Originally posted by LividLiquid
Wish they actually included the "Hollowed out asteroid"

Ya, after countless hours flying in those asteroid fields and finding nothing, its just a rumor. :(


"I shall mount your bones in my hull!" [Kilrathi, Privateer/RF]
Guys, theres plenty of hollowed out asteroids, there isn't any false rumour.

The hollowed out asteroids are called...wait for it....mining bases :)

(does it say 'Asteroid Base' on the back cover of PRIV in those little pictures? Speaking of games turning out to be different from the covers, did anyone notice on the WC1 cover the hornet had 70 unit shields, a speed of 2400 and a missile called a pike?)
We were looking for the Kilrathi secret weapons depot that is a Hollowed asteroid.
But that is just a rumor (and a good one since we all go looking for it, I even look for it in kilrathi space).
BTW I was just on CIC main page/ship database/WC P and I notice that there is a ConFed base in there (not the relay station), were do we find it on the game?
(And were is the Kilarthi depot in WC III?)
I checked the Kilrathi sectors very thouroughly and no asteroid. I traveled far byond the jump points hoping to run into something. Using the nav map I covered every inch of those sectors. No weapons depot. It was fun tho!


"Hey, give me a call when you get to hell!" [Confed/Insys, Privateer/RF]