Pre5 troubles


Intro Cutscene... SWEET.

But only if it works. I installed Pre5, and set up the options as usual.
- 1024MB RAM
- Display Lists
- Medium Difficulty
- Sound and Music
- Blurry Bases
- Extreme Detail
- 1600x1200
- Reflective Per Pixel Lighting
- 32Bit Color Fullscreen
- No Mouse
- Times font
- 3 Axis Joystick and Throttle

The first thing I noticed was that all of the narrative text (i.e. 2669, Gemini Sector, Betweent he Kilrathis Empire and the Unknown) was chopped off. I could see the top half of the words, and the text ran off the screen to the right. After the cutscene finished, it started again. I clicked around for a bit and it stopped (I probably clicked on something I couldn't see). That's when I noticed that the base I was on (Perry) was also chopped off on the right and on the bottom. I figured I would exit the game and choose Sharp Bases so I could see everything, but when I loaded a module to quite the game, it ran off the top of the screen, so I couldn't even click the Save/Load button to quit the game.

I Alt-Tabbed out to Windows and killed Vegastrike from the task manager. Then I changed to Sharp Bases and started the game again. The text was still cut off in the same places, I just had a black border around the image this time. At this point I tried to take a screenshot (PRNTSCRN, not i), but it in no way captured what was on the screen.
click here for image

When I Alt-Tabbed back into the game to see what Perry looked like, my computer rebooted. I have "Automatically Restart" unchecked in my system properties (meaning this was not a BSOD, this was a true warm reboot).
Allright, I tried again with Sharp Bases, and things were much better. This time the narrative text was only chopped off on the bottom.

I think the bottom of every image is being chopped. Below I captured an image (PRNTSCRN) with a clearly defined bottom edge, and you can see it doesn't have a 4:3 ratio:

I guess clicking on the cutscene goes to the base - anyway to go to the base automatically. It's pretty weird to have the cutscene lopp.

Also, when I start the game, I get "enemy near" music, followed by the Perry music, and then finally thecutscene music. The transitions are sudden and startling, and it sounds awfully strange.
chopped text
That's with Blurry Bases, which work fine now except for the text off the bottom. Maybe it was a one-time thing, but it was still pretty bad.

Speaking of bases: shouldn't Blurry Bases be called Big Bases and vice versa? Because my Big Bases are a lot more blurry than my Blurry Bases.
glad you got it worked out... I think maybe that alt-tabbing threw your video drivers for a loop...
you get the cutscene for each savegame that hasn't seen it yet...
the text being cutoff is mostly an accident...but we may just reposition it...because we don't want to waste xtra memory to store a few blurry words
All I did was run mine, it was chopped too. also all my saved games I put in from other versions, all the ships had all the equipment stripped off them. Really sucks that the base I'm at with the drone has no ship dealer to get at least an afterburner. Also with a new game, Achilles still doesn't have a Merc Guild.
You probably didn't copy all the necessary savegame files. If your savegame is called "ridgeSave" you need to copy the file called .privateer?\save\ridgeSave and the directory called .privateer?\serialized_xml\ridgeSave

The folder in serialized_xml has xml for al the ships you own. That's where it keeps track of the equipment. Without them, your ships will have no equipment.
I oughtta get a medal just for figuring out as much as I did.

And now you want me to do what?!???
Now that I think about it, my Paradigm has weapons & stuff, but all the other ships are stripped.......... I need to check it again.
Well, yeah, but y'all made a big deal out of me messing them up last time, so I thought you wanted me to keep them.