Politics and Religion A dangerous game

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Nemesis said:
Now, now. It was through logic and common sense, following your claims, that I finally reached that contention, hoping in that way to show...
Logic/common sense have played very little part (if any) in the posts of yours that I've seen in this thread, whether you were disagreeing with Quarto or me. The degree of denial you've displayed is absolutely breathtaking.

Quarto pegged you dead-on. Your position is: "My mind is made up - don't confuse me with the facts".

You da man.
Good job. An eloquent refutation of an indefensible (and at times, incomprehensible) position...
Nemesis said:
As for your amusing analogy, you should have used tomatoes, referring back to the time people mistakenly feared they were poisonous.:)
That would have spoiled the analogy, since tomatoes are apparently fairly rich in carotene :p. However, for sake of argument, let's assume that some people mistakenly fear that apples are poisonous. How exactly does this make a difference as far as carotene is concerned? I mean, do these people have psychic powers of some sort? Does their applephobia somehow drain the carotene out of apples? What is your point?
W00T! FOOD! Finally a topic I'm not afraid of adressing with the rampaging hordes. I just ate a belgian waffle... with syrup! Granted carotene was pretty much non-existant in that fluffy delight, but they are bigger than cherries, and therefore rule the buttermilk kingdom. Bush does not mess with the buttermilk kingdom because he knows it would annex the US like it were an afterthought if it felt threatened.
"Discrimination" has become a weapon of cultural warfare. All logic meaning it used to have is gone. So let me help you here, it’s simple: "Discrimination" is something that is politically incorrect. A Cleary discriminatory action that is politically correct will receive a different name. A completely non-discriminatory action that, however right, is politically incorrect, will be called "discrimination".

It's not uncommon to find a radical "minority" movement that supports some totalitarian dictatorship that oppresses their very group. Or take those "Tolerance" enforcers. If you don't to exactly what they say is right, no questions asked, you are "intolerant".
I dont even ask that you tolerate just give me rights then shut up because you are never going to agree with me or I you so why waste time fighting the whole purpose of this thread was to say you cant upset the equal balance between the two forces christians claim they are slowly being shut out of the culture which is false the 4 christian channels on television intolerant conservitive republicans proove that it is still a shaping force however if bush or anyone tries to impose laws that swing the country to his moral view is wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong if you religous folk are afraid of gays polluuting your culture you need to reprogram your door to door brainwash people or your televangelist so that you can attempt to expand your 'Moral" empire but to deny people a choice to stucture anything so that it denies people the right to choose when it is between two consenting adults is wrong

So... you don't want people to disagree with you, but you've posted your opinion in a public forum... and to cement this enlightened way of thinking, you'd like to pass horrible judgements on everyone based only on the fact that they don't agree with you in the first place...?
<tears> I have to stop this is too much for me I probably will wind up denied the right to marry and its not like we will see a spike in normal marrage it just people that think its theirs don't want us playing with it </tears>


over 1,000,000 one million children forgotten by this moral culture have been adopted by gay couples but then again those arent families aren't recognized as families even though they are helping to make right this so called moral cultures failings but yet don't enjoy equal protections

:( :( :( :(
That isn't remotely the issue you brought up in the first place, though - which had nothing to do with morality and nothing to do with homosexuality. You attached a completely unrelated concept (... taxes...) to these two hot-button topics solely for the purpose of acting oppressed (G)

You're going around implying that support for the president is a tacit admission of homophobia and Christian whateverness, which just plain isn't true - and that's why you have so many people disagreeing with you.

Here's how I feel about all the unrelated issues: I think gay marriage is a great idea -I know plenty of gay people who I think should be allowed to marry (and thereby recieve the same financial benefits given to straight couples). I know plenty of gay people who I think should be able to adopt and raise kids. I'm not even a 'good' Christian - I think anyone who hides their opinions behind doctrine is a dogmatic idiot who doesn't understand the purpose of religion in the first place.

And even given these beliefs, which I'm sure are remarkably similar to your own, I'm voting for Bush. One doesn't imply the other.
well I certainly hope you dont have to work any overtime at all LOAF nor do I hope you want a single mom who works a 14 hour shift as a nurse to lose her overtime

I certainly hope that you don't have to have a firefighter put out a fire at your house and then tell them hey I dont mind that you kust spent 20 hours fighting a wildfire but dont expect me to pay you any extra

and also president Bush going over the head of the house and the senante about this overtime thing these new marrige benefits and all this just leads me to believe Bush's administration will impose its will upon the people in the guise of helping them

the bush tax cut plan was based on a surplus that no longer exists and anyone saying that george bush has done great things must only be thinking of Iraq and homeland security bush is a big bussiness moral majority dictator if we dont do anything the brilliance of Bush's fuzzy tax bill and all his beliefs this country will split into chuncks

I have a million and one stupid comments and I'm sure all of them combined will get me banned. So let me throw this one at you...

What do you think having stupid little arguements with a tiny group of people on the internet will accomplish for your cause? And have you tried any productive means of furthering your cause... like say... lobbying your representative?
Yep as a disabled person I am given much time to do all these things and have the reason I am doing this here is to excercise my mind and absorb not agree with different views so that I can really polish my argument but the original thought was lost thanks to people not sstaying on topic myself included

In conclusion, I'd better not fight any wildfires.... or... something... with... single moms... and... yes.
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