Plywood Fiend
Rear Admiral
First off to all reading persons, sorry its taken me so long to update Front Lines, a christmas holiday with minimal internet connections as well as a shit load of university work and a general lack of insperation haven't been helpful conditions for writing, i'll try and get a new chapter done soon.
In the meantime, i've decided to try my hand at music video creation once more. This one is for the animated series and is to 'Bullets' by Creed.
Another may soon follow.
Also, though this is the wrong place to post this, I finally managed to lay my claws and standoff and it has to be said...Holy Christ that's a good game. Though i am inclined to take back everything nice i have ever said about the Gladius.
If anyone's unfamiliar with rapidshare then scroll down and click on the button marked 'free', then if all goes well just scroll down again and download the file when its ready.
I probably should have emailed this video to the news submisions address, but i had things to say and figured i might as well kill two winged beasts with a single blunt rock based projectile.
In the meantime, i've decided to try my hand at music video creation once more. This one is for the animated series and is to 'Bullets' by Creed.
Another may soon follow.
Also, though this is the wrong place to post this, I finally managed to lay my claws and standoff and it has to be said...Holy Christ that's a good game. Though i am inclined to take back everything nice i have ever said about the Gladius.
If anyone's unfamiliar with rapidshare then scroll down and click on the button marked 'free', then if all goes well just scroll down again and download the file when its ready.
I probably should have emailed this video to the news submisions address, but i had things to say and figured i might as well kill two winged beasts with a single blunt rock based projectile.