Not stuck: Can't retrieve Sosa in MIP


Stuck: Can't retrieve Sosa in MIP

In the past, I have gotten through this problem, but now I am stuck. It's the mission where Sosa and Vagabond infiltrate the comm station to retrieve captured comm. After they get the goods (Vagabond is killed), Sosa says she is coming out, but I cannot locate her. I've looked at the chat guides, and some suggest targeting her. I use t but she never comes into the target. I cannot see the white circle to tractor in. I have destroyed all the mines, and I can cruise around forever, but no Sosa. I cannot seem to locate her. HELP!!!

Does she go away after a while?

Feel free to email me at Much appreciated
Originally posted by dacis2
all i did was find the BLUE dot on my sensors, ram it , slow down and tractor it in...

Generally speaking, ramming Sosa's pod will KILL her.
This is all so weird to me... I've rammed ejection pods and MIPs, recieving no damage at all. They just bounce off my shields until I pass right through them. Maybe the difficulty setting affects something.
I beleive it does. On easy mode, you dont tske any or much damage from ramming anything except for large ships/objects. On the other hand, increase the difficulty setting, and you take a lot more damage.
I believe that in WC1-4, when two objects collide, the computer subtracts an equal number of shield/armor points from each of them until one is destroyed. Thus, when you ram something with your ship, if it has stonger shielding that you, you die, but if your shielding is stronger, it dies.
Ummm.....I ram stuff all the time, and not me or the thing I'm ramming dies in one ram unless I ram it several times.
Originally posted by Zor Prime
I beleive it does. On easy mode, you dont tske any or much damage from ramming anything except for large ships/objects. On the other hand, increase the difficulty setting, and you take a lot more damage.

Aww man I learned that the hard way. Last mission of WC3, I'm cloaked and I needed to figure out a way to get rid of Thrak, and his mates, without dropping out of cloak. So I figured I'd ram the suckers. Since this was rookie difficulty level, I had no problems disposing of the litter. Later on I was playing a harder difficulty level; I'm flying towards Hobbes, big grin on my face ("ha ha, you're so dead you traitor!"). I ram him and :eek: :(